part five

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Trigger warning: suicide, self harm, and relapse
Tyler pov
It had been a week since we all became boyfriends. I just couldn't believe they both felt the same way.

For the past couple of nights it's been complete and utter bliss. Sneaking to each other's rooms after dorm check and falling asleep in each other's arms, cuddling, and kissing. Until last night that is. Last night I was so tired from the day before I went to my room and as soon as I hit the bed fell asleep. And tonight was one of those nights where the thoughts come from behind, without you knowing, come up and grab you in a choke hold and won't fucking let go.
I was back at the age of 13 years old right after I had come out as gay. I was walking to school with my best friend Jenna Black, formerly known as James Black, she and I were almost there when out of no where I get punched and Jenna gets thrown to the ground they start kicking her calling her all sorts of transphobic slurs and calling me homophobic slurs. They finish beating us and I look up to see who it is and I can't believe my eyes its Brendon and Josh. Suddenly the scene changes and I'm back home but older now I'm back to when I tried to kill myself all I can hear are my thoughts, or blurry face, yelling at me to end it get it over with and just do it. He says "c'mon don't be a coward oops to late c'mon it doesn't hurt for long plus you'll be relieving every one else of you pathetic fucking life" I finally can't take it I run the water in the bath tub and get in still in my clothes then take my old friend the razor blade and cut a long vertical slit in each wrist and watch the satisfying crimson turn the bath water pink.
I wake up screaming and trembling the feeling of blood still trickling down my wrists is terrifying and I tell my self I can't take it anymore but before I do anything my door bursts open and two people burst in at first I'm surprised and the I realise its Brendon and Josh I'm happy and then worried when I see the tears in Brendons eyes and the scared shitless expression on Josh's face. That's when Brendon starts freaking out and saying "they're gone they're gone" over and over again so I ask "who who's gone" but he couldn't get the words out so I turn to Josh "Josh what's happening who is gone" and his answer made me go cold "Pete, Patrick and Mikey y'know the polyamourous couple" I was not prepared for that prompting my next question "what does he mean gone" "he means they all killed themselves apparently Pete found a way to get razorblades and" he didn't finish because Brendon couldn't keep it together any longer he flung himself at Josh me following soon after sobs shaking my whole body to the core. This was not supposed to happen. I had grown close to Pete, Patrick, and Mikey. I wonder how Doctor Way is holding up it was his little brother after all.
Josh moves us to the bed and let's us calm down and then I ask "why why did they do it" Josh shakes his head and that's when Brendon speaks up he says "I'm the one that found them" Josh and I both look at him stunned they left a note he says getting g the note out "dear all of our friends if you are reading this note then we have done it and we are hopefully no longer with you I hope everyone o-one i-is h-happy" he couldn't finish before bursting into tears this was shaking him up bad.
The next morning they had to go back to their rooms for room check and then breakfast. I had never been more surprised than I had been last night but the thing g that surprised me the most was the feeling of jealousy in me because I wanted to die. Then a thought occurred to me maybe I still can.
Hi my lovelies man it's been awhile thank y'all for being so patient with me and actually caring unlike some people * coughs* mom *coughs* so I was thinking about doing like a face reveal how does that sound let me know if you want me to do that if you do that will be in the next chapter but I'm pretty sure that's all I have to say and also I may oray not have another book in the works 😏😏 so stay tuned for that but other wise

Stay alive my lovelies

Stay Alive (Broshler) (polyamorous)Where stories live. Discover now