part three

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Josh point of view

I wake up with a start at the feeling of arms wrapped around me I look down to see both Brendon and Tyler asleep wrapping there arms around me like I was there favorite teddy bear I smile at the both of them and think to myself "I could get used to this" but quickly shake my head knowing from that little voice in my head telling me they don't like me like that and something inside me crumbles.

I look down at Brendon and then Tyler and see them both stirring so I quickly reach down and shake them because this whole time I wasn't thinking about lights out and room check I quickly get them up and tell them it's almost lights out and room check they quickly scramble out the door and Sprint back to their own rooms we didn't say a thing about falling asleep in each other's arms even though I was sure we all enjoyed it.

In the morning after breakfast

I head to my therapist Doctor Biersack
and semi pay attention to what he says even though I'm secretly thinking about how Tyler softly snores in his sleep and Brendon had a little smile on his face when he would cuddle closer. My thoughts get interrupted by Doctor Biersack yelling my name "Josh wake up, earth to Joshua" "huh" I say he say "I asked how your thoughts were coming and if you've thought of relapsing" I scoff and say "who hasn't" Dr.Biersack frowns and tells me we are out of time and I practically Sprint to Brendons room not even knocking I found that Tyler was already in there and they seemed to be in deep conversation when they both say in what seems to be unison "finally Josh your here we have something to talk to you about" and I can feel my heart in my throat thinking of all the awful things they could say to me.


Okay my lovelies the part you have all been waiting for is coming soon   stay alive my lovelies

Stay Alive (Broshler) (polyamorous)Where stories live. Discover now