part eight

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Josh pov

I'm no longer going to put trigger warnings because this whole book is one big trigger so

It's been a week since Pete, Patrick, and Mikey ended their lives and Bren and I have noticed Tyler acting strange. I first noticed it about three days ago when we were all cuddling and I said "I love you guys" Brendon said it back but Tyler just sat there not saying anything. This bothered me so I touched his arm and he jumped a little but calmed down when he saw it was just me with a small "what was the question" "I said I love you" he shifted a little and whispered "oh I love you too" this unsettled me because he was always quick to say I love you back but as I started thinking back I realized he's been like that alot lately. Oh God what's wrong with one of my baby boys.

2 days ago

I had just gotten done with my therapy session and was on my way back to my room when I see an obviously distressed Brendon he spots me and imediatley runs to me wispering harshly "we need to talk" in my ear so we walk to my room when we get there he shuts the door and without missing a beat says "something is wrong with Tyler" at that point I'm both relieved that somebody else has noticed it but also worried because something is seriously wrong with Tyler. I look at him  with sad eyes and say "you noticed it too" he nods saying "I found this in his room" and hands me a piece of paper. I look down at it and tears spring to my eyes because I can't believe that I'm looking at a SUICIDE NOTE. I guess I should have known because of how distant he's been lately but I didn't think it had come to this. I hadn't started reading it yet so I didn't know the whole extent and reasoning.

The note
It's been a week since the suicide of three of my friends and I can't shake the feeling of jelousy because they achieved what I couldn't. They achieved peace away from the hatred, anxiety, depression, and thoughts crowding their heads saying they aren't good enough. So here I am saying my goodbye and to my lovely boyfriends goodbye I will mi.

And that's where it stopped because he hadn't finished and it was all scribbled and scratched out. I looked at Brendon and he was crying. I take his hand and pull him into my lap to whisper in his ear "how did you find this." He looks at me and says or more sobs out "I we-went t-to his his ro-room and these were a-all over th-the f-f-floor." I just look at him because I can't believe the words coming out of his mouth so I just pull him closer.

We sat there for about twenty minutes before I hear a knock on my door "come in" I say the door opens and it's none other than the himself Brendon sees who it is and throws himself at Tyler saying things such as "you're safe" "thank God you're safe" "what the hell were you thinking" he keeps saying these things and hugging Tyler but he just has a confused look on his face until he see the note in my hand his eyes widen and he calmly says "how did you get that" I try my best to stay calm with a "better question why do you have it for us to find" he looks at both of us and says "I just can't take it anymore the thoughts won't go away this voice in my head just won't shut the fuck up and it only calms down when I'm cutting" Brendon looks at him saying "that's what we are here for Tyler but you have to tell us these things darling we love you and wouldn't know what to do if you left us" I nod and bring both of them into a hug. We pull away and I kiss Tyler then Brendon but I can tell Tyler still isn't the same but hopefully he listened.
Hello my lovelies it's back bitches
Sorry it took so long to update I just didn't feel right updating after the death of one of my heroes so yeah thank you guys so much for reading and putting up with my shit

Stay safe, Stay alive my lovelies

Stay Alive (Broshler) (polyamorous)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant