part seven (flashback)

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Ok so option c won so here goes.
Brendon pov (flashback to night of suicide)
Tw:suicide blades slitting of wrists relapse
It was about 7:00 and I had just gotten done with my therapy session with Doctor Anderson (A/N that would be me couldn't decide so I chose myself) she had asked me asked me all sorts of questions regarding my thoughts my depression and and life in general. Even though she was a pretty chill person I couldn't help but not want to be there I had my two lovely boyfriends on my mind and Dr Anderson was getting in the way. When she finally dismissed me I practically ran down the hallway to my room and laid down.
About three hours later it was 10:00 clock my usual time to sneak to Josh's room I started down there. I passed Pete's room and saw that the light was on and I could hear more than just thinking in there it sounded like two other people I assumed it was Patrick and Mikey they were the other polyamourous couple here. I didn't think anything of it until I heard what sounded like someone dropping something and Pete whisper yelling "dude don't drop the blades" this got me worried I immediately reached for the handle but it was locked "damnit" I thought I couldn't get in by this point I'm freaking out. Those are my friends in there I couldn't let them do this I SPRINTED back to me room and grabbed the lock picking tool I had (aka a Bobby pin I got from Dr Anderson) and sprinted back to there room praying to God I wasn't too late. When I finally got the door open I was faced with a sight that made my blood go frigid Patrick, Pete, and Mikey were in a heap on Pete's bed all dead from the cuts on them and a note on the table beside them. I couldn't handle it I had to get out of there before I relapsed but I couldn't move I fell to my knees and and started to sob uncontrollably choked screaming and sobbing was all you could hear from me I finally got the will power to get up. Before I left I grabbed the note and put it in my pocket. The only place I could think to do was to run to someone who could help and Josh's room was closed so I ran there and luckily his door was unlocked because I slammed it open and threw myself at him he was surprised at first but realized it was me and realized I was crying so he just cradled me against his bare chest and rocked me until I stopped crying I explained that they were dead and he started to tear up but he never cried he looked at me and said are you ok and all I could say was no but I said "we gotta tell Tyler" he nodded and we ran to his room and just barged in the room. And well you know the story from there.
Holy moly that was a rollercoaster comment how you're feeling I love hearing your feedback

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