part six

139 7 5

Tyler's pov

W, mentions of suicide

It's only been six hours since Brendon found Pete, Patrick, and Mikey meaning it's time for my therapy session with Doctor Way I'm surprised it's still on but don't question it because I'm sure he has his reasons. I walk in and can literally smell the sadness and sorrow coming from Doctor Way I walk over to his desk to see his head in his head and I can here him saying " he's gonna he's gone oh God he's gone and it's my fault I should've known" over and over to himself "Doctor Way" I say he looks up at me and breaks down I walk over to him and grab him in a hug to calm him down because I know what it feels like to lose someone close to you "Doctor Way do you want to do this another time or do you want me to stay with you" I ask he tells me he's fine and tries to continue with the session but can't get more than a sentence out before his phone rings he answers it and I can here yelling on the other side and Doctor Way " saying momma I'm so sorry I'm so sorry" she yells at him that he failed her and that he's no son of hers I can't take it so I take the phone from him and hang up on her and tell him " it's not your fault you didn't ask for this he did it to himself so don't blame yourself" he looks at you and says "Thank you Tyler you really are improving but I don't think I can continue today is that ok" I nod and look at him one last time before leaving the room. I shudder as I think of how Doctor Way looked so torn up poor guy. It takes me a minute before I realize I'm at Josh's door I knock and don't here anything so I jiggle the door and see its unlocked so I decide to go inside I sit on the bed and wait for him but when I turn around I'm met with a sight that brings the darkest of blushes on my face. Josh is in nothing but a towel hanging dangerously low on his hips and water dropplets on his body it kinda upsets me to see he didn't dry all the way off but nobody's perfect. He sees me staring and says "see something you like princess" and the blush on my face goes three shades darker that's when the door flies open and Brendon comes in yelling "I'm back bitches" and jumps on the bed without closing the door "Brendon close the goddamn door" Josh grumbles "sorry babe" he looks around and then sees Josh is in nothing but a towel and doesn't even try and hide the fact that he's checking him out. Josh sees him and says"what is this stare at Josh day or something Jesus" that's when he grabs his clothes and goes to the bathroom to put clothes on leaving Brendon and I to just look at each other after about ten minutes of talking Brendon says "how was Doctor Way" "he broke down twice and got a call from his mom and she screamed at him before I hung up one her. He's pretty torn up and he thinks is his fault but I told him it wasn't and that seemed to help him some" right about then Josh comes out with sweatpants and a tank top on he grabs both of us and face plants on the bed with us snuggled up against him and that's the night ended.
But I just couldn't shake the feeling of jelousy of the three that found ultimate escape in way of death man I still kinda wish it was me.
Ok I changed the sign thanks too

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