part four

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Brendon pov

I wake up in someone's arms and start to freak out before I see its just Josh .... and Tyler these realizations confuse me while I rather enjoy this feeling and never want to leave but to soon Josh is shaking my shoulder and telling me that I have to get to my room before lights out I practically Sprint to my room with Tyler in tow.

That morning after my therapy.
Tyler is in the hallway pacing when he sees me and smile like a phsyco and motions for me to go over there so I do and he says "quickly I need to talk to you it's really important" worried I agree and we go into my room he sits on the bed and motions for me to sit and I do I say"so what's up" and he smiles like an idiot and says "Brendon I really like you like more than a friend but there is a problem I also like Josh that way but I have a solution" he looks at me and I see a slight blush on his cheeks as he sees my reaction which is straight up surprised. I whisper "and what is your solution " he looks at me and jumps into rambling again. "Theres this thing called polyamory or something." I nod and say "yeah I've heard of it" and let him finish "well I know that we all clearly like each other and I like both of you and Pete and Patrick said that you like me and Josh and that Josh like us so I got to thinking maybe we could have that type of relationship" he looks at me with a look of anticipation. I smile and say "that sounds great but we have to get Josh's approval first" just then the door opens and Josh walks in.

Tyler and I both look up and see Josh and smile excitedly saying in unison "Josh we need to talk about something" he looks at us with a look that says go on so I do I start slow and say "Josh do you like me" he slowly nods looking worried then I ask "do you like tyler" another nod I say "more than a friend" a nod and then I say "we like you too so we were tinking-" Tyler cuts me off by saying "so thought we could all be In a realationship." He adds "it's called polyamory" we stay silent so Josh can take it all in when he finally sighs, smile, and nods with a simple "that sounds wonderful."
We all hug and he kisses both Tyler and I making us blush while he say "I'm so glad to have you two as my boyfriends.

I'm so happy I finally got to this part thank Jesus I can sleep now
Stay alive my lovelies

Stay Alive (Broshler) (polyamorous)Where stories live. Discover now