part two

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Trigger warning: talk of suicide, slitting wrists, drug abuse

"Man last night was rough" muttered Brendon over his plate of what they call food here ever since I got here I've hung out with mostly Brendon,Josh, Pete,Patrick, Mikey, and Lana. I found myself staring at Brendon and Josh alot and I would always play
It off like I was zoned out but I could tell they knew something was up.

It finally became a problem at our group session when Doctor Iero went around asking how people attempted suicide. When it got to Brendon I thought I would cry his word we're so saddening "I never thought I belonged so one-day I finally had enough so I went into the kitchen and grabbed three medicine bottles and took all of the pills and thought to myself we'll see who gives a shit about me now and still it seems like no one." I thought to myself this boy doesn't deserve this not smiley mcforhead.

But if I thought that was bad Josh's story just about killed me his words were like a blade to my wrist "I was never loved I was always bullied for my hair my looks so I decided I had enough went home after a brutal beating at school and slit my wrists". Finally it was my turn. "My father never loved me he called me worthless I never had friends and would get abused at school so I went home slit my wrist and laid face down in the tub but my stupid ass didn't lock the door and my ten year old sister found me and called my mom so now I'm here."

Both Brendon and Josh look shocked and sorry so after our therapy session we went back to Josh's room.

"Well that was interesting" Josh laughs "you could say that" Brendon says then we all look at each other and can't help but hug. We fell asleep like that.

Hey this was written from personal experience so please if you ever need to talk I'm almost always open
Stay alive my pretties

Stay Alive (Broshler) (polyamorous)Where stories live. Discover now