part nine

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Tylers pov
A/n it's 4:20 where I am blaze it on to the story

I could tell that both Josh and Brendon were worried about me and it made me feel guilty, but at the same time I didn't understand why or how they could possibly care I'm nothing. I have no significance in the world, I could die tomorrow and the world would keep spinning with no interruptions. So why do they care so goddamn much.
Brendon pov
I could tell Tyler still wasn't 100%, but I know how he feels. I just hide it better, this whole thing has been hard on us all. Especially Tyler and i. Little do they know Tyler isn't the only one who has been writing notes, not by a long shot.

I just wish that this whole thing was just one catastrophically sick dream, apart from the Tyler Josh and I part, but the rest....... is that really necessary. I just wish I could end it all.

Don't get me wrong I know I have things, more like people, to live for such as Tyler, Josh, or even Ryan my best friend back home.

There's just this constant grey cloud around me putting these thoughts of "they'd be better off with out you." "You're better off dead." Even on the best of days there's still that grey cloud. Even now as I'm on my way to my session with Dr.Biersack.

I'm so caught up in my thoughts I don't even realize I'm at Dr Biersacks door until I ran right into it and it opens revealing a sight I NEVER want to see again. Dr.Biersack being FUCKED by Dr.Purdy. I mean they both have really good bodies but, ew.

I slowly start to back out trying not to be noticed but, alas why would that ever happen.

The door squeaks just a tiny bit and Biersacks eyes dart to it. His eyes widen in alarm, but he's too busy moaning obscenely muffled only by Purdys tie balled up in his mouth serving as a gag. Instead he puts a finger up to his mouth telling me to keep quiet.

As soon as he looks away I Sprint out of the room and to the bathroom to pour soap in every hole in my face to try and get that image​ out of my brain.

"God if you are above I have one thing to say 'what the Hell asshole'" I mutter to myself and 'God' but mostly to myself as I walk to nowhere in particular.

I look around and notice that I'm headed to the rec room. Deciding that's a good enough place as any to be stuck in my own head. As I'm headed to the rec room my arm gets grabbed and I get spinned around to be met with none other than Andy Hurley and Joe Trohman, only the cutest COUPLE in this hell hole(a/n trohley for life).

As I look at them I can see worry prominent on their faces. "O-oh h-hey guys. Wh-whats wrong" I manage to stutter out. Joe looks at Andy nodding slightly "Brendon come with us it's serious."

A/n so hey my lovelies it's Becky here some of you may know my mental health hasn't been it's best as of late and I was recently admitted into the hospital because of it so I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long.

On a happier note I want you guys to leave comments of what you want me to call you

Things I won't call you
Slut, whore, stupid, trash, trashcan, etc

Stay safe Stay alive my lovelies

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