Chapter 28

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It's been more than 3 months since I've last seen Elvis. I know he's off in Germany now but that's basically it. I haven't exactly heard much from him, it's pretty much just been white noise. After that huge explosion he had the night his mother died I stayed away. He made it pretty clear that he didn't want to see me again, and I've respected that.

I did go to the funeral though. I had to, I don't think I could have lived with myself if I didn't. But the whole time I kept my distance. I always put as much distance between him and me as possible and tried to stay out of his line of sight. I knew there were a few times that he saw me, though.

Right after the incident I ended up staying in a motel for about two weeks. Jerry and Joe had to bring over most of my stuff from Graceland. I was too afraid to go and get it myself. I stayed in the motel until I found a little apartment that wasn't too far from work that I could rent. So I moved in and I've been there ever since.

I would like to say that things have been okay but I'd be lying if I did. Truthfully I'm a mess. It probably took a little more than a month before I stopped crying myself to sleep every night. Now I've just been left with an intense air of melancholy and loneliness. Daisy does help a little bit with the latter, though.

I'm honestly surprised that I got to keep Daisy. I know she's technically my cat but he did get her for me. I don't know why but I just figured that she would stay at Graceland. Also, another thing that I didn't expect to still have is the car. The day that Joe drove it over to me I was shocked, telling him that he had to bring it back. But he told me I had to keep it, apparently Elvis told him that he didn't want it.

But now whenever I look at it I am reminded of him, which makes it harder. I'm tempted to get rid of it and save up and buy a new one but I know that's stupid. I need a car and it would take me ages to save up anything on my minuscule paychecks. But still, I don't like being reminded of him.

Every time I think of him it feels like I'm about to break. But that's the thing. It's so hard not to think about him. In the beginning he was all that was ever on my mind, and it was horrible. Almost everything I'm surrounded by has some connection to Elvis, and it was unavoidable. Every time I was reminded of him it was unbearable. Hell, I still don't wear about half the clothes I own because they remind me too much of him.

Basically now I just try to keep myself as busy as I can. I need to stay distracted. So I've been working like crazy, taking up extra shifts and volunteering to cover shifts for other people. I've also been spending a fair amount of time with Margaret.

I called her a couple of days after everything happened and told her the whole story. She immediately came over and offered whatever support she could. She is busy a lot, but whenever she gets the chance, she makes sure to come by and pay me a visit. She is always more than willing to listen, as well as offer advice. I can't even express how thankful I am for her.

Still, it's the nights that are the worst. When I'm alone. I have nothing to distract me and my thoughts inevitably turn to him. Each thought, each memory chips away at the already gaping hole in my chest.

There have been so many times where I am tempted to call him, write him, or just do something to contact him in any way possible. I want to tell him everything and beg for forgiveness. But I always stop myself. He broke up with me. He doesn't want me anymore. I can't bear the thought of facing another rejection.

I wish Lauren was here. And my mom. They'd know exactly what to say and what to do. They always do. Sometimes when I close my eyes I can almost see their faces and picture them here with me. But when I open my eyes they're gone and I'm all alone. I honestly have no idea when or if I'm ever even going to see them again.

I reach up my hand and wipe a tear from my cheek. I need to stop thinking about all of this. But as I stare up at the ceiling in my pitch black bedroom, there isn't much else to do. So I roll over, pull the blankets up to my chin and close my eyes, eventually falling into a grey and dreamless sleep. 

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