Chapter 31

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As the weeks go on I continue to see Sam. He takes me out on several more dates and calls me often. I've gotten to know him much better through all of this and I can honestly say that I like him. He is fun to be around and he takes my mind off of a lot of things, which I greatly appreciate. He has stopped by work a few times since that night he asked me out, and every time he comes by the other waitresses always tease me about it. I just do my best to ignore them, though.

Overall Sam's made me pretty happy, considering. But as Christmas approaches I can't help but feel a little bit empty, like something is missing. Usually Christmas is my favorite time of year but this year I feel like I'm almost dreading it. Every time I walk into a store and see decorations or even just hear Christmas music it makes me wince a little bit. I've also been avoiding gift shopping for a long time but it's getting to the point where I can't reasonably put it off any longer. It's already December 21st.

So since today was my day off from work, I sucked it up and spent all morning attempting to do some shopping. The last couple of hours I've been roaming around town, stopping in all kinds of different shops looking for stuff. In all honesty I haven't been having the best luck finding things. I feel a twinge in my heart thinking about how much my list of people to get presents for has dwindled since last Christmas.

Now really the only people I need to buy presents for are Margaret and her husband Rodger, and Sam. I've already spotted a couple of things that I am considering getting for Margaret, I'm on the fence about what to get for her husband, and honestly at a loss for ideas as to what I should get Sam. We've only been going out for about a month. I know him better than I did before but I still have no clue what to get him.

I spend a couple more hours desperately scouring the city before I decide to call it quits. I don't leave empty handed, though. I ended up picking out a pale rose colored cashmere sweater for Margaret along with a shiny black pair of cat-eye sunglasses. For Rodger I got a tweed fedora hat and a bottle of cologne. For Sam I just ended up getting a nice watch with a golden face and a deep brown leather band.

Once I get back home to my apartment, I place all of my shopping bags onto the floor along with my jacket before collapsing in a heap onto the couch. Exhausted, I just sit there staring out the window. It is already getting dark outside, I notice. Even though it is only about 6 pm, I lay my head back and close my eyes, quickly falling asleep.


The morning of December 25th arrives in no time. I end up waking up a little after 11, much later than I usually do. I know that if I stay in bed any longer I will be late for everything that I have to do today. So rubbing my eyes, I pull back my blankets and swing my feet over the edge of the bed. Exhaling, I stand up and sullenly begin the task of getting myself ready for the day.

I'm supposed to be stopping by Margaret's and Rodger's house to visit with them at round noon, then later on after that Sam is going to be picking me up and taking me with him to a Christmas party with his friends.

I stand in front of my closet, tiredly search for something to wear. It's supposed to be pretty cold outside today, so I just decide on focusing on that. I strip off my nightgown and slip on a thick brown wool skirt, knit tights, and a soft cream colored sweater. I pull my hair up into a neat ponytail but don't bother doing my makeup. Heading out of my room, I stop in the kitchen and grab an apple, eating it quickly before slipping into my coat and shoes, grabbing my purse and the presents, and heading out the door.

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