Wretched And Devine

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I am the innocence
I am what could have been
The dreams you talk about
Now left on broken skin
Your lies is stereo
All in when chaos rings
The world is sturdy huh
Bounced down and twisted maze
A word of hate a race we are the ones
They all look the same
Our time is come

Andy had no idea what to do, the war was coming fast and he still knew nothing about the human. It was frustrating everyone, Cc on the other hand was just happy about the dog. "Andy what are we going to do about the girl" Jinxx said walking up behind Andy "I have no idea Jinxx how the fuck did she get a fucking mark of god!? And how is it our mark!" Andy screamed at Jinxx making him jump back slightly "Andy calm down we will figure this out just ask him". Jinxx tried reasoning with Andy but he knew it was no use, Andy was the leader they chose him and they knew they made the right choice. "I'm not asking him for help, he's why we're here!" Andy growled in a low voice "he turned his back on us Jinxx! He should have been there to defend us!" Andy yelled.

I am the devil's smile
The one caught every day
A hopeful people's speech
Won't stop to you to bleed
I am the hurricane
And I'm the strongest one
As they sit back and laugh
The world you left is just being
A word of hate a race we are the ones
They all look the same
Our time is come

Andy gathered the boys around the living room "I know I haven't been the best leader to you guys" Andy started, Ashley opened his mouth but Andy shut him up with a look "guys it's true, if it weren't for me we would be in heaven with our wings not about to fight a war on earth" Andy sighed running his hand through his hair "I'm sorry guys I fucked up before and because of me we've fallen, and I know you act all fine with it but I know you're upset" Andy looked up finally and saw the faces of his brothers, the men who stood beside him when all hope seemed to be gone "and I promise I'll be the leader you need and deserve" he vowed hugging his brothers. If only he didn't have to die to protect them.

We live from the broken hearts
We watch them fall apart
We live for the ones who don't know they exist
We die for the endless winter
We came from the land of sin
We die for the ones who raise their
Hence two reasons
I am the chosen wretched and divine
I am the unspoken
The one they left behind
Feelings fire till we die
I am broken the wretched and divine

Wretched and Divine: The Story of the Wild Ones (completed)Where stories live. Discover now