Nobodys Hero

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I'll die if I had
Inside me there's a fire
That burns, woah
My life begins and
Ends without the fate
That we learned, woah

Hero, that's what they saw him as. A savior, but how could he be? He's the angel the was kicked out of heaven, he was shit in his eyes. They all looked at him like a god amongst them, how could they still love him? He ruined their lives.

To heal, your scars
I will give you everything I can, whoa
This war of hearts
We will rise again and take a stand, whoa
I can't lead you to salvation
I am just a man

Andy wandered town, that dog following him everywhere. "So what should I do?" He asked they dog "actually scratch that I must be going crazy if I'm talking to a dog" he heard laughing behind him "yeah you are man" he turned to see Jinxx "what's up man you ok?" He asked Andy with concern "yeah I'm fine just worried" Jinxx knew that, the boys looked to him like a hero and that was a lot of pressure for Andy "I mean I'm just one man Jinxx I don't see how you guys still count on me after what happened" Jinxx sighed "we will follow you till our last breath Andy trust me you're a hero and that's the gospel truth" Jinxx laughed out at the end, Andy laughed with him it his heart wasn't in it.

Save me from the darkest places
Save me from myself
I'm a loaded gun
An only son
But I'm nobody's hero
I've come undone
I'm on the run
Yeah, I'm nobody's hero
Nobody's hero

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