Resurrect The Sun

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Hearing the echoes
Madness close
The years of my sinning
Teach me to show
All this feeling of pain regret
These wounds will open
Like lines in the sand
The world is sleeping
But they still have hope so

Night time, it was always the worst. Shadows roamed most likely looking for the fallen brothers. Most nights the boys stayed home in the safety of their home, with the lights on. Tonight on the other hand they went out, looking to blow off some steam.

Follow the darkens
It's broken our homes
All that we wish for
Like fools on a road
And I can feel it
Can this bring control
A Burning passion
When love takes its toll
Yes, those have a reason
Down on that cold

Morning couldn't come fast enough for the boys, the shadows seemed to be strongest tonight then they have been for a while. It made them worry about the up coming fight.

I pray for morning
I swear I'll never let you die
These saints within us
Can bring this moment back to life
And my heart held high with this battle cry
On the shore
On the horizon
Resurrect the sun

Wretched and Divine: The Story of the Wild Ones (completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora