Lost It All

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I ruled the world
With these hands I shook the heavens to the ground
I laid the gods to rest
I held the key to the kingdom
Lions guarding castle walls
Hail the king of death

Andy gathered the others to the living room just to spend time together, he had no idea what tonight would bring but he wasn't gonna think about it he was gonna spend daylight with them.

"Remember when we first got here and Ash found human liquor" Cc said laughing everyone laughed with him "hey not my fault I didn't know what it was" Ashley tried defending himself laughing with everyone els "bro you got piss drunk" Jake said between laughs "yeah but what about the time Andy fell down the stairs sleep walking" Ash caught back "hey not my fault I'm built like a giraffe" Andy laughed "yeah what are you like 6'9"at this point" Jinxx joked. Andy looked around this was what he loved, them, his boys in such a raw state of pure bliss.

I stood above, another war
Another jewel above the crown
I was the fear of man
But I was blind
I couldn't see
The world there right in front of me
But now I can

"Let's do a shot" Ashley said standing up going to get a bottle of Jack Daniels "really Ash, shots" Cc laughed "not shots Coma just a shot, for good luck" Ashley tried to come up with a reason, he was nervous though they all were.

Because I lost it all
Dead and broken my
Backs against the wall
Cut me, open I
Just trying to breathe
Just trying to figure it out
Because I built these walls
To watch 'em crumble down
I said
Then I lost it all
Who can save me now

"We need a plan guys" Jake said breaking the silence "Jinxx will carry the girl to the battle field, from there we will take positions" Andy said "look it's just us on this one guys we have to have each others backs and no matter what happens I love you all" they all hugged "now let's put on our war paint guys.

I believe that we all fall down
Sometimes, yeah

Wretched and Divine: The Story of the Wild Ones (completed)Where stories live. Discover now