Done For You

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The best things in life
Come with a price
The star that burns so bright
Faded the fastest
You always feel it's right
Even when we end the fight
Welcome home
Home tonight

Andy was scared, he didn't want one of the boys to die. He couldn't cost them their lives after fighting so hard for them to be safe, he did the one thing he never wanted to do.

"Hey big man, look I know I was never a good angel I mean I was absolutely shit but you can't take my brothers lives" he sighed "they never deserved anything they got by following me god and I know I'm no longer your favorite I know I fucked up but I need you to save them, keep them safe when the time comes" years were streaming down his face "just let them come home, to heaven" he stood up "please"

Little did Andy know one of his brothers were listening to him from the door.

Oh oh welcome home tonight
Oh oh tonight
Words they don't know to make amends
All they do is push you to the edge
But it's not wasted

Andy's brothers never knew how much actually gave up for them, but they would always be grateful for their leader.

It's all done for you, oh oh
It's all done for you
It's all done for you, oh oh

Wretched and Divine: The Story of the Wild Ones (completed)Where stories live. Discover now