New Years Day

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On the graves of the ones remembered
In a desert we call home
All the slaves of the cold December
Find a voice to call their own
Stand up we are united
In the eyes of the greatest storm
Line up we are ignited
This world will be reborn in
Five, four, three, two, one

Andy walked around outside of town near the graves of the humans they couldn't protect, when they arrived on earth is was a bloodbath, the small deserted town he assumed was outside of Vegas. They had buried the bodies they had found, a wasteland of unmarked graves, he would make sure when this was over people would hear the stories of the humans who defended earth from the shadows and fought valiantly.

He walked back to town walking into broke down homes finding food for him and his brothers. Being quite so to not alert the shadows, he didn't feel like a fight today. He heard noises coming from upstairs more then one person, he pulled out an angel blade and made his way up the steps slowly. He heard sniffing, thinking it was weird to hear such a loud sniff he went to look in a bedroom. To Andy's surprise he found a dog, the dog seemed to be happy to see Andy 'cause he followed him throughout the home wagging this tail. "Guess we got a dog, Cc will like this" he laughed taking to himself. He soon left and made his way home till the dog ran of, without thinking any followed the dog and saw a body on the ground "what the fuck" Andy mumbled. A girl who looked very young in a heap of blood and what looked to be black paint on the ground, without a second thought Andy picked her up and him and the dog went home.

Ring a bell so the serpent hears us
Let her know that we're tried and true
No the beasts, they won't get near us
And we're not scared of you
Light 'em up now
Start the count down in
Five, four, three, two, one
Let's go!

Andy carried the girl into the home and yelled for the boys, they all came running down the steps and a collective gasp went around the room, then Cc spoke "OMG YOU FOUND A DOG" he yelled completely ignoring the most likely dead girl on the couch "are you really that stupid Cc?" Jinxx asked laughing "so what's up who is this" Ashley asked looking at the beautiful girl "Andy she's not alive" Jake said grimly "I know that but look at her arm" Andy sighed and sat down. The boys moved to look at the girl "Andy is that?" Jinxx asked Andy sighed and nodded "it's our mark, but what I wanna know is house a human girl has it tattooed on her skin" he asked getting mad "Andy this is no tattoo" Jinxx said examining the mark "this is a mark of god" he said slowly Andy shot up from his sitting position "how the fuck does she have a mark of god in the shape of our symbol" any screamed through the house. No one knew how to answer they all just looked at her, having enough of this Andy got up and went outside the dog not far behind.

Andy knew for sure she was important after they found the mark, all the boys did. It was only a matter of time before they knew why.

Let the eagle fly
Freedom in the night
Let the eagle fly
Legends never die
This is new year's day
So rise from the ashes
Faith will find a way
Like lightning crashes
We'll keep marching on and on and on
It's new year's day
So rise from the ashes

Wretched and Divine: The Story of the Wild Ones (completed)Where stories live. Discover now