Power & Control

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Acropolis Forest

January 7th, XX14


After the vigorous training, Kratos decided to take a break and bathe in the water from all his sweat. He is standing underneath the falling water, washing his hair...



I feel much better, I knew training alone would benefit me more than their lousy training. I should probably go back and tell Athena what I'm doing so they don't worr-

Suddenly, a sharp surge of pain hits his right eye. Kratos quickly covers it, thinking that something went into his eye. He walks over to his stuff (bag/scabbard). Kratos tries to reach for one of his swords to see what is wrong with his eye. He uncovers his right eye...


Kratos sees that his right eye is a different color from his left. A very dominant crimson red with pupils that of a demon; Inner Demon. He tries to blink thinking that it's just a part of his imagination. The pupils just dilate as normal...

Immediately, he begins to panic in fear trying to figure out what happened to him. Kratos steps out of the water and, without knowing, his wings started to awaken in black flames. He looks back at both of his wings and notices the blood-red tips extended further up into the wing...


Were they always like this?

Then the red tips began to spark into a fire (Flames of Olympus) and spread throughout the whole wing. With the first instinct of fire, he jumps back into the water.

Kratos sighs thinking that the water extinguished the fire. However, all that the flames did was disintegrated the water that surrounded his wings. He looks back and sees them still ablaze. Kratos then flies up over the pond and watches the water flooding back up...


Maybe I should go back to Athena and Artemis. Hmmm... I shouldn't. If they find out that I left in the first place then I would have no freedom at all.

He starts to fly over to the ground near his clothes...


I guess there's no going back now.

Kratos quickly gets dressed and equips his dual-scabbard.


Only if Mom or little sis could help me.

He closes his eyes and tries to think. The very thought of the attack from the other day fills his mind. An urge of anger tenses him up.

Kratos opens both of his eyes and the right is now awakened in its Inner Demon state. There seems to be something different about him. Although his eyes are now awakened, it also appears as if he was in a deep trance of some sort. Not only that but his whole entire aura leaks of bloodlust...


I must get revenge. I must win.

Kratos begins to flap his wings and flew up into the sky without his bag. He heads toward the same area that he was attacked...


The Journey of Kratos, Vol.1: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now