Somethings wrong with my best friend

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My parents have owned an orphanage for ten years now, so I grew up with a bunch of kids with stories from watching their parents die to living in a trap house with parents that overdosed. Every once in awhile, one of the kids would leave, and a new one would replace them just as fast. They came and went, sometimes hard to keep track of.

It was hard to have friends, but when Alec arrived, my life was changed. I could finally talk to someone my age, and they'd understand. Immediately, we became friends. He was only a couple months older than me, but still sixteen, so it was easy for us to understand what problems we've had.

Alec had shimmering blue eyes. I'd never seen such blue irises. And his blonde hair was something you could spot from a mile away.

But one day, I came back from school, and he wasn't there. I couldn't find him anywhere. My parents said he was still here, so I brushed it off, assuming he was just playing hide and seek with the other children.

I went downstairs where all the other kids were, and asked around. However, kids who aren't even old enough to know the difference between 'see' and 'sea,' weren't much help in my case.

I was close with a small child named Chloe. She had been here the longest of the children. I dreaded the day someone would adopt her.

I asked her about Alec's whereabouts. Chloe looked up at me with fearful eyes, "Alec doesn't want you to get mad at him so he ran away."

I gave a confused look. "Why would I be mad at him...?"

"Because he hurt Bruno." She whispered, as if she were scared the other kids would hear her, "He said he couldn't control anything and he didn't mean to so he ran away."

"Where's Bruno now?" I ask, afraid of the answer. Bruno was a new addition to our strange family, a small, frail five-year-old, but he was accepted, nonetheless.

"I don't know." She shrugs, "I watched Mama and Lui carry him to the car and they drove away," Chloe couldn't say my mother's name, 'Mauna' so she called her 'Mama.' "I think they said they went to the doctors because he wasn't breathing." Chloe sighs, "When will he be back?"

My stomach twisted in knots. How do you explain such a thing to a four-year-old? "W-Well..." I stutter, my mind wandering for words, "I think Mauna and Lui are taking him to his new family." I lie, "So he probably won't be back. Did Alec say anything else?"

"He told us not to go upstairs. He said there's a mirror that is bad." Chloe recited his words, "I don't know what else though."

"T-The mirror?" If anything in this house was unsafe, it was that mirror.

That stupid mirror that came with the house. My mother had sold it five times yet it still always wandered back. She hid it in the attic to keep everyone safe. But safety doesn't prevent curiosity.

I wanted to believe that Alec tried to get rid of it and hit Bruno in the head trying to get out the door, but I can't say I knew it was the complete truth, as much as I wanted to admit.

There was a forest surrounding my house, naturally, that was my first guess on his location. I left Chloe with the other children to watch a movie with her while I searched for Alec.

I wandered into the forest until dark, calling Alec's name. For a while, I thought he ran further than I anticipated, but he didn't have anywhere else to go, as sad as it was. Alec was from Illinois, and we lived in Indiana. They weren't the same streets and towns, making it hard for him to leave.

As I was walking, something grabbed me from behind, covering my mouth to muffle me scream for help. "If you scream, they'll find us." A whisper says, sending chills through my spine.

I fought against the grasp, catching a glimpse of Alec's face. Only it wasn't Alec...

The Alec I knew had bright blue eyes and golden blonde hair. This Alec had a gloomy gold cloud over his eyes, and a hysterical smile I could never unsee.

"What, are you scared?" A chuckle escapes his lips, still curved in a smile, "It's just me. You know me, Kelsey."

I shook my head frantically, in hope to throw his hand off my mouth. My right hand flew up to his neck, squeezing a place I knew would knock him out, according to the movies. Alec crumbled to the ground, letting me loose.

Before I had time to register what had happened in the moment, my feet moved. They moved faster and faster the more my lungs burned through my chest, until finally I reached the house. I locked every door and window, and ran to my room. I sat down and picked up my phone, recording everything that just happened in the last few hours. And now I'm here.

What happened to my friend? It seemed too strange to be real, but I'm not someone to turn down the impossible if it happens before my very eyes.

Authors Note
Im so sorry for not posting I got my phone taken away so sorry


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