Ever wanted to talk to your Inner self

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Have you ever wanted to have a conversation with someone who truly understands the type of person you are? Someone who won't hold back what they think about you? If the answer is yes, I have the solution for you.

Around a few years ago, a friend of mine mentioned that he heard about this weird ritual online that would supposedly allow you to talk to your inner self. He said that he tried it out for fun but when the ritual wound up working, he immediately wanted me to learn how to do it. He showed me the steps and now I will show them to you.

A word of warning caution though: If the ritual manages to work for you, what your inner self says may not be the most positive. It could reveal some uncomfortable truths that you don't want to hear, or wind up mentally breaking you. I've heard of some people that supposedly committed suicide because they couldn't handle what they've heard. If that doesn't frighten you, then read on.

To start off, this ritual requires proper preparation in order to work. Don't expect to just half-ass any of the instructions and expect anything to work.

First off, you need a mirror. Generally, any type of mirror can serve but the larger and older the mirror; the more likely it is that the ritual will work.

Next, you need to create a mixture that you will rub around the border of the mirror. This mixture is composed of ashes from any object you want, but at least one of the items has to be an item you have a connection with. The deeper the connection, the more likely it is that the ritual will work. Afterwards, you need to mix the ashes with a bodily fluid. It can't be from anyone else or the ritual won't work. Any bodily fluid would do but blood has shown to be the fluid that has had the most successes in starting the ritual.

Next is salt. You need salt to essentially build a barrier around the mirror in order to prevent something you don't want out from escaping. I'd rather not think about what exactly would come out of the mirror but it never hurts to be sorry.

Now that the ingredients are gathered, here are the steps needed to begin the ritual:

Ensure that nobody is around when you begin preparations for the ritual. Some of the stories I've heard have stated that the ritual would never work if another person was in the area, so ensure that you are alone when preparing the ritual.Ensure that the ritual occurs from around 11:00 PM to 1:00 AM. No other time period has been shown to work.Cover the border of the mirror with your mixture. Ensure that there are no gaps between the mixture as otherwise the ritual won't work.Mark the area around your face in the mirror with the mixture in the shape of the square. This will be necessary for the next step.Once the time period for the ritual has been set, swallow part of the mixture and ensure that you look into the square that you marked into the previous step. Close your eyes and repeat the following: "I have given you the portal. I have given you my memories. I have given you my body. Now, give me your voice." Keep repeating this until you hear a voice responding. If you don't hear a voice by the time 1:00 AM has passed, the ritual didn't work and you'll have to try again later. If a voice responded, congratulations, you are now talking to your inner self. Once you are done talking to it, say goodbye and it should go away

The appearance of your inner self differs depending on the type of person you are.

Some have reported that their inner self resembled them but with different facial features such as different hair style or eye color while others have reported that it resembled a distorted version of themselves or even didn't resemble anything human at all.

Regardless of its appearance, people who have talked to their inner self have reported a mix of understanding and/or fear of what the inner self had to say.

However, a few cases have reported that the inner self showed an almost animalistic hostility toward the user, expressing intense feelings of rage and a desire to escape. Nobody knows if it's possible to escape, but the salt should serve as a proper safeguard.

Hence, if you are willing to try out this ritual, I say good luck and try to prepare for what the inner self says.


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