The Sun's Not Coming Up

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January 3

The sun's not coming up. The sun's not coming up.

I can't deal with this, school's starting Monday, how am I supposed to get to class when it's so dark you can't see your hand three inches in front of your face?!

When I got up, I figured it was just because it was winter, ya know? Sun goes down and stays down longer when it's cold. But I knew something was up by noon. The sun should've been up by now, it's starting to freak me out.

Neighbors have come by asking for some things they don't want to run to the store for, ignoring the elephant in the room that there's no fucking sun. Apparently the darkness gets even worse when you try to get out of the neighborhood. It's best to just stay here until this all blows over, while pretending it's not happening at all.

Dad was sleeping on the couch this morning. I think he and mom got into another fight, they're not talking and mom's been crying, even though she does her best to hide it. God, it's bad enough that the world might be ending, I don't have time to worry about my parent's failing marriage.

January 4

The streetlights went out, haven't come back on. Outside now looks like Satan's Winter Wonderland, with all the snow and it being so dark. I can see other houses across the street, the lights shining through the window like beacons in the night. The only reason I can make out anything in my yard is from the light shining from my living room window.

Mom and Dad aren't talking. Jesus Christ, you could cut the tension with a knife. I really wish I could go outside to smoke but I swear Dad had a stroke when he saw me open the back door. I don't know how he expects me to go to school if I can't even go out on the back porch to 'get some air', but whatever.

For now I'm just cracking the window in my bedroom and doing what I can to waft the smoke out there. I'm sixteen, I can make my own decisions.

January 7

Okaaaaay. I guess I'm not going to school.

Sun's still not up. Weekend's just been boring as shit with just watching outdoors get darker, if that's even possible. I even started getting ready before I realized 'what the hell am I doing' and went downstairs to ask if I can stay home. My dad gave me his approval and said I can stay home for as long as it stays dark.

First time we really acknowledged how absolutely bizarre that is, and it's the only acknowledgment.

I tried turning on the TV, see if there's anything on the news about this, but all I got was static. Couldn't even connect to any local channels, it's all snow. Phone's dead too, I tried calling Isla and Lydia and got nothing. Not even a busy signal. It worked last night when I talked with Lydia. She lives just a few blocks away and it's dark there too. Isla lives in the city though, not Bartonville, and apparently sun's fine there. She said she'd come over today to see if I'm still making up bullshit.

It's not bullshit. Sun's gone and it's showing no sign of coming back.

January 8

It's not just the sun disappearing. Lights are going out.

It started with the kitchen. I went down and tried flicking the light, got nothing. I yelled for dad and said the kitchen bulb burned out and he went pale. He switched it and I heard him swear for the first time in my life when it still didn't work. I tried to tell him to check the breaker but he was clearly losing his shit. By the time Mom came in he was babbling nonsense about the lights being taken away and Mom had to help him lie down.

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