I've been receiving creepy letters for over a month now Update 3

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For those of you asking, yes I'm okay. Thank you for being worried and hoping I'm okay, it means a lot that people actually care. I know I said I was going to update you guys yesterday, but there was a family emergency (unrelated to this experience) and I needed to be there. Everyone is going to be okay, I just couldn't update yesterday. But I'm here now and I'm pretty sure I know who's doing this, it's just a bit of a long story, so I'm sorry if this is a boring update. The backstory is needed though on why I think this person is the stalker.

So in my first month of high school I met this girl named Sierra. Sierra and I met in gym class and the first time we ever talked she invited me to a concert. Obviously I said yes, and we instantly became best friends. She'd stay over at my house for days on end and vice versa. We had so much in common and never not had fun. She was the only person I really talked to at school. She'd always wait for me at the entrance because her bus came earlier than mine, and we'd spend all day together.

She was the one who introduced me to Jenn, and before you knew it, we were all best friends. Me, Sierra, and Jenn.

Come the summer after grade ten, Sierra came with me and my family on a camping trip. It was super fun and exciting, because I've never had a friend do anything with my whole family like this before. But when Sierra and I would walk around and hang out just the two of us, she would drop hints that she liked me or wanted to do sexual things with me. For example, I said I wanted to do something "rebellious" because why not, and she suggested we could make out and touch each other. I said no, but when she asked why not, she sounded genuinely offended and mad. I didn't want to tell her I was uncomfortable, because honestly I didn't want to talk about it anymore, so I told her that Jenn would be mad that we did. I didn't know what else to say, but we dropped the topic and all was fine. Later that night when we were walking around again, I had pushed her playfully and she didn't take it too kindly because she grabbed me and started to beat me. I was taken a back and pissed off. It was really weird and unlike her. For a while we didn't talk, because I was truly mad at her. But eventually we talked it out, and she said she'd make it better so she kissed my shoulder. She started to kiss my neck too but I was extremely uncomfortable, so I said I was tired, and we went to bed.

On other occasions she's told me she loved me, and I said I loved her back, cause that's what best friends do, but she always said "No. I love you" I wouldn't know what to say to it, so I'd respond with "Well obviously. I'm awesome!" She'd talk about other sexual things, but at the time, I never thought anything of it.

Fast forward to the middle of eleventh grade. Me and Jenn had started getting closer, and Sierra has started drifting away from the group. Not because we excluded her, she just became more distant. It could be because I kept turning her down, or other personal things. I didn't know. One night I was at her place and she asked me what I thought of drugs. I asked her what kind and she said all of them. At the time I wasn't a fan of any drug (I get weed now. I don't smoke it cause I'm allergic to the hemp seed, but I don't hate it like I did when I was in high school) so I told her that. When I asked her what she thought, she said the same as me. I thought it was some random question until later that night I saw a bag of weed and cocaine in her backpack. I was going to get a deck of playing cards when I saw them. I was mad. Beyond mad. My best friend lied to me and worst of all, she was doing drugs. When I confronted her about it, she just stayed silent. I told her I didn't want to be friends with a druggy or a liar. (Was I dramatic in high school? yea) I told her to stop doing drugs or I wouldn't be friends with her. She said she'd stop and I believed her.

Jenn had her birthday party a month after that and she had invited me, Sierra and her boyfriend. At one point during the night, Sierra was in the bathroom for a bit longer than an hour. We thought she had an upset stomach cause we had ice cream cake and she was lactose. We decided we should check on her. When we opened the bathroom door after knocking and not getting an answer, we saw her on the floor drugged out. It was incredibly scary. We called an ambulance and they took her to the hospital. Jenn and I visited her in the hospital as much as we could, but since we couldn't drive, we couldn't go all the time because our parents had to drive us. Sierra ended up moving to a different school and we lost touch with her. In a sense, Jenn did replace her as my best friend.

Now, the other day when I thought about this, I decided to look her up on Facebook and see how she was doing. She became incredibly thin and I'm assuming is still into drugs. I reached out to her asking how she was and I still haven't gotten a response. This is the only logical person in my mind, because she was in love with me in high school, the drugs could have messed up her thinking, explaining the repetition, and she's incredibly skinny from what I saw in the Facebook photos.

So, many of you said I should leave a letter for this person and try and meet up and set it up with the police. So I worked out a plan with the police I've been in contact with, and tomorrow I'm going to my apartment and putting a note in my mailbox asking to meet me there. I'll put an attached image on the end of this update tomorrow when I print out my note so you guys know what it says. I really hope this works to catch this person, I just want all this to be over.

Update 1:43 pm: this is the letter I'm going to leave in my apartments mail box tonight after work. Hopefully she sees it by tonight.

 Hopefully she sees it by tonight

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