My friend dabbed like Whiz Khalifa at a Ouija board and I think he's possessed

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I can't believe this is happening right now. 6 hours ago I was at my friend Teddy's house along with two other people, Mary and Lee, both who are in my chem class. Since its finals week, the four of us decided to have a quick study session at Teddy's house, as his house was in walking distance of all of ours. Mary and Lee are pretty good friends of mine, I met both of them in eighth grade, and Teddy has been my best friend since third grade. After last night I don't even recognize him.

With the background out of the way, it was about 3 am and Teddy's mom was asleep. The group of us were tired of studying and the conversation quickly drifted off into "spooky" territory. Lee said something about his house being haunted to which Mary and I rolled our eyes. But quickly I saw an excited look grow on Teddy's face as he dashed to his dresser.

"Guys, I have an idea!" He says eyes widened in excitement. Mary, who is sprawled out on the floor looks about ready to pass out into sleep. I remember being annoying and scooting over to her, gently smacking her face.

She groans and says "let me sleep bitch." I laugh but faltered when I saw what Teddy had retrieved from his dresser drawer. An Ouija board.

"I've always wanted to use one of those!" says Lee.

"Yeah, I got it for my birthday a couple years ago. I think from my aunt." He says enthusiastically.

"Um isn't that how you get possessed?" I say, and Mary sits up suddenly interested.

"That's not a bad thing," she says "Maybe it'll get me out of finals."

That garners a chuckle from the boys, but I remember feeling increasing unease as I look at it longer.

Lee and Teddy take it out of the box it was in and quickly open it up, taking the planchette and placing it on the board.

"Cmon don't be a pussy," Says Teddy

"Shut up" I mumble as I place my fingers next to Mary's.

"Spooky time" Lee giggles. Teddy bumps his shoulder aggressively throwing him off balance.

"There are directions right?" I say. "Who cares," Teddy says. "Demon, oh demon, show yourself." He says excitedly, voice cracking at the end "self" making Lee wheeze.

"Demon, hit or miss?" Lee says, garnering a guffaw from both Teddy and Mary.

"Guys are you serious? That's a really bad idea." I say. Then I remember I heard a tapping sound. It seemed to be running along the wall behind me, getting closer and further. "Do you all hear that?" I say making sure to keep my fingers on the planchette.

"Hear what?" says Mary, now looking mildly concerned. My heart beats faster as the guys continue to mock whatever was in the room.

"You got a boyfriend?" Says Lee "I bet he doesn't kiss you" Teddy continues, tears of laughter forming at his eyes. The tapping persists and it's moving so, so slowly up and down the wall. Now right behind me. It movies even slower to the left towards where Mary is.

Then I see it in her eyes. She heard it. Her face is pale but Lee and Teddy remain ignorant.

"Then you gon skrrt and hit the dab like Wiz Khalifa." Says Teddy, taking his hands off of the planchette and dabbing,

No sooner than he had done this, he turns rigid and falls to the floor on his back. A gasp forms on the lips of all of us at once, but we don't move out fingers.

"Oh my god oh my god," Mary says, voice getting quieter as she continues to speak.

"We have to say goodbye!" I yell as the lamp on Teddy's desk begins to wobble around. Lee seems to be in shock, and Mary hits his knee with her elbow. There's a ringing sound now, nearly drowning out all sound. A wail rips it's way from Mary's throat as the planchette moves for the first time.

"DAB" it spells. Over and over, back and forth it moves, and the ringing grows louder and Teddy begins to convulse on the floor as his face turns blue.

"Goodbye!" We all scream, never in unison but over and over desperately trying to end the session. It stops,

No more ringing No more tapping

Teddy's eyes open, and he sits up calmly. He takes the planchette and closes the ouija board, putting it in its box and sliding it under his dresser. Mary's breath is shaking and the color is hesitant to return to Lee's face.

I don't know what to do. Shortly after this, we parted ways. Teddy told us bye, and we all sprinted down the stairs and out of his front door. We stood at the front of his house, looking up at his window. The lights were off. We all agreed to never speak of it, not wanting to summon anything else. We were alive, all four of us, and at this point, it was around 4:30 and we had to sleep for our finals, after all.

This morning I saw Teddy. I caught a glimpse of his eyes and quickly turned the other direction speed walking down the hallway. Though before I turned away, I saw him dab, as he gazed at me with empty, cold eyes. Never in my life have I ever seen a dab so sinister, and if I'm sure of one thing, it's that Teddy never said goodbye to the Ouija board, and I'm not sure if he ever will. I'll try to update on how today goes. Any advice on un-possessing someone who never said bye to an Ouija board?


This story is more comical than scary, but I hope you guys enjoyed this.

XOXO Jade.

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