Someone is dragging their feet in the grass outside my window part two

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I was just standing there in shock. What is the letter supposed to mean How can I not be safe in my own home? If it was not for the first envelope that I saw I would have thought it was all some part of a sick joke. I went upstairs to look around. I could not shake this feeling that I was not there alone. I made my way up the stairs trying to muffle the creaks that the stairs made. If something was in the house, element of surprise was the strongest weapon that I had.

I noticed the light in the bathroom was on. I did not really pay it any mind though. I went through every room and every closet. I did not find anything. Nothing was out of place. I went to the bathroom to cut off the light and I noticed that the mirror looked steamy as if someone had taken a shower. Besides the fact that I live alone, what made this situation odd was the fact that the bathroom was freezing cold. As I steeped in the bathroom I realized why I didn't feel alone. There was writing on the mirror in the steam. The message stopped me dead in my tracks. There it was in a way that would make you think that whoever wrote it was in a hurry. "Get Out......Please". Although admittedly I was terrified, the "Please." Kind of added a certain softness to it. Like maybe it was not a threat and was more of a warning.

I immediately ran back down stairs. I wanted to compare the writing on the mirror to the writing in the letter. Everything has to be connected right? There is no way that all of these crazy events that happened are random.......right? Suddenly I had this sharp pain in my hand. I dropped to the floor in excruciating pain. The red puffy spot on my hand was burning and......glowing. Not ever so brightly but just enough to notice it. The shape of it also began to take form. It is starting to look like a crescent moon. Needless to say I started freaking out. I started to get up off the floor to go to the kitchen to out some cold water on the spot.

Before I could even get a chance to process everything I heard this banging at the door. Whatever was on the other side of my door was not human. No human could hit a door like that. It was like whatever creature was on the other side found the soul of my house and was determined to make it bend to its will. It made the whole house shake. Then I heard this crackling noise. It almost sounded like bones breaking in odd places one after another fast and repeatedly. It was followed by the deep hollow words, "Let Me In".

I could not believe what was happening. I knew I could not just stand there and wait for whatever it was to come in the house. I stood up to try to make my way to the back door, but I saw the handle on the back door turning so slowly that it did not even make a noise. As the door opened I saw that same grotesque grey hand and in a mostly human voice it said, "We need to leave NOW."

I wasted no time following the directions. I did not know who or what this thing was, but I knew it was a better option than staying in the house trying to figure out what was about to force its way into my home. When I reached for the door knob to finish pulling the door open, the hand grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me out of the house. He pulled me down under the window and put his finger to his lips gesturing for me to be quiet. We ran away hunched over like soldiers and hid behind the fence in my backyard. As soon as we reached the other side of the fence we heard the creature enter my house.

I watched my home shutter either from fear or sheer strength. We heard the dragging of footsteps walk around my house looking for me. I turned to the grey man and he said, "We need to leave now." We started running and ended up on the other side of my neighborhood. I could see him perfectly in the streetlight now. When he stood straight up he could have been maybe eight feet tall. He looked like a man that was somehow stuck in soft cement. He was not necessity scary looking, but you would not want to meet him in a dark alley. I noticed that the pain on my hand subsided, but it was glowing with the resolve of a floodlight except it was bright red.

I looked up at him and asked where we were going. He did not answer me but instead took his finger and cut the air with it in a vertical line. Out of nowhere the line started glowing. He took me by the hand and we walked through it. We ended up in a hotel. It looks familiar. I think we were right outside of town.

He sat on the bed and opened a backpack. Out of it he pulled out a device that somewhat resembled a phone or a tablet. He called someone that looked a lot like him. All he said was, "I have her." Then he hung the phone up.

He looked at me and said, "Well I know you have questions. Do you care to ask me anything?" Of course I had questions. A lot of fucking questions actually, but all I could do in that moment was blankly stare at him. He waited patiently for me to get my thoughts together. He even smiled at me a little.

After I got myself together I asked him, "What the hell was that thing and what did it want?" He looked at me with this puzzled look on his face.

"It wants you."


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