Final update of I've been receiving creepy letters for over a month now

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I'm sorry for the long wait for this update. I needed some time to process what happened and figure out exactly how I would word everything and I still needed some information from the police. Thank you for everyone asking how I'm doing and for being worried, like I said before, it feels comforting to know people care. This is the last update for this series, thankfully. I'm glad for all this to be over.

So the day I went to bring my letter to my apartment, I bussed there, and my boyfriends mom was going to meet me there so I could drop it off and just go. We did this because my apartment is closer to her house than my work, and since she would be at my apartment already, there would be no chance of me being there alone. But when I got off the bus, she wasn't there. I called her and there had been a huge accident on the main road and everyone needed to detour, so she was going to try her best to get there as soon as she could. I was pretty nervous, but I had my keys to my apartment so I could stay inside with the doors locked until she got there.

I walked up to my door and put the envelope into the mail box. I went to unlock the door when I heard movement inside my apartment. I froze. My entire body went completely numb. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move. I stayed so still for about 30 seconds when I heard foot steps from inside. I quickly called 911 and told them to get here as fast as they could. I also called the two police men personally telling them to get here. When I hung up the phone, I decided I might as well go in and confront this person. I was absolutely terrified. So scared at the thought of someone in my apartment even though I locked it before staying at another place, terrified at the fact that I didn't know 100% who was doing this. And absolutely terrified of what was going to happen. I felt like I was going to throw up, but I opened my unlocked door and went inside.

I walked slowly in and closed the door softly, not wanting to make too much noise. I looked around and surveyed the place before walking over to the kitchen to get a pot that was left in the sink from the day I left. I listened to see if I could hear where this person was coming from. I stood there for about 2 minutes before hearing someone come down the stairs. Again, my body went numb. I felt like I couldn't hear, couldn't breath, couldn't think. It felt like I needed to pee, puke, poop and pass out all at the same time. I was petrified.

The person coming down the stairs stopped at the bottom step, so I couldn't see who it was.

"Hello Mary. I'm really really really glad to see you came home." I knew that voice. I knew exactly who it was. I knew this person because I knew them better than they knew them self.

"Come down the stairs please." I tried to sound assertive, but my voice was shaky and it sounded like I was about to cry.

Mark stepped down the last step, looking at me dead in the eye. I haven't come face to face with him in a long time. This was different than seeing him on the bus, obviously. He looked different. Much skinnier from the last time I saw him. His hair was much longer too. Like he hadn't cut it in a while. On the bus he has his hair back, so I couldn't really see how long it really gotten, it was longer than his shoulders.

"Hello Mary." He said again.

"Mark. Why?" My voice was so shaky and quiet, I'm surprised he understood what I was saying. I was trying to stay neutral, but I was scared.

"Mary, I love love loved you even though I was the one who broke up with you. It was a mistake. Mistake mistake. Stupid stupid Mark! I realized that I wanted you you you back! Because I love you. I love you. I love you!"

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