Someone is dragging their feet in the grass outside my window

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As I was walking to my car I thought I saw something under it. I was not sure because of how dark it was. I had to watch how I approached the situation because you never know who might be watching. What if this was some kind of trick? What if someone wanted me caught off guard just enough to hurt me? I knew I had to be careful. The closer I got the more I started to figure out what it was. It seemed to be an envelope with a shiny seal on it. The envelope looked clean as if someone just left it there.

Just when I thought the coast was clear I heard a sound come from behind this tree that was about 20 feet away from me. It sounded like someone was dragging their feet through the grass. I turned towards the tree as fast as I could. The sound just abruptly stopped. I turned all my focus onto the tree. I slowly walked up to the tree knowing at any second I might have to turn around and run for dear life. I immediately felt stupid because there was nothing behind the tree. I felt like I was over reacting.

After that I just went to my car and bent down to get the envelope. As soon as I was about to grab it I saw this grotesque grey hand emerge and grab the envelope so quickly I had to question whether or not it was ever there in the first place. I would write this off as my imagination playing tricks on me but that........hand grazed mine. I know what I felt and it was cold and sent chills down my spine. I jumped in the car and sped off. I looked in my rear view mirror half way down the road hoping to get a glimpse of whatever that was that touched my hand. Honestly I know that I did not really want to see it and I didn't. There was nothing there.

As I was driving I started to feel this burning sensation on my hand. It looked really red and puffy, but it was in the shape of something that I could not make out. Outside of whatever was happening to my hand I could not help but wonder what was in that envelope. It was almost like whatever was out there wanted me to know it exist, it just did not want me to have it.

When I arrived home there was another envelope hidden behind my screen door. It looked almost exactly like the other envelope. I quickly grabbed it, ran in the house and locked the door. I had the feeling that I might not be the only person in the house. I wrote it off as bad nerves because of what I just went through. That thought was quickly rushed out of my head and replaced with sheer fright and confusion. I sat at the table and opened the envelope. As soon as I opened it I heard the familiar sound for feet dragging in grass right outside my window. To make matters worse there was a letter in the envelope. It simply said, " You're not safe here


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