I've been receiving creepy letters for over a month now Update 1

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I literally just went on Reddit and the girl just posted this. I also found out I have pneumonia in my left lung so thats great. Enjoy reading.

Before I get into the update, I just wanted to thank everyone who gave me advice on how I should protect myself, and saying things and pointing things out that I never before would have noticed. Thank you

So before I tell you what I did today, I'm going to cover some common things that were said in the comments and clear some things up. People have been telling me to get a gun, taser, pepper spray, a knife and/or a dog to protect me. I've looked into all these things and here what I found/did. 1. Get a gun. In Canada it's quite hard to get a gun, and quite frankly I'm scared of guns. Yes I know it's for my safety and yes you guys will probably think I'm stupid for not getting one, but the thought of owning one scares me. 2. Get a taser. I looked it up and unless you are a part of the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounty Police) it is considered a deadly weapon and is illegal. Unfortunately. Because I was planning on getting one for sure, but guess not. 3. Get pepper spray. In Canada if you have pepper spray and it's used in self defence, it's fine. So I ordered a can online and it should be here in 1-2 days. I wanted it here fast. 4. Get a pocket knife. I have a pocket knife. My dad gave it to me when I moved. I also always walk with my keys between my knuckles. I know that much from living where I do. And lastly, 5. Get a dog. I can't get one. I already have a cat, and I had to practically beg my landlord to let me keep him. (He's a rescue) so no dog for me.

People have been telling me to up and leave. I can't. Neither my boyfriend nor I drive or have the money. People have been telling me to get security cameras. Again. We don't have the money. I think some people severely over estimate how much money we have. We live below the poverty line. We live pay check to pay check. We just don't have the extra cash to do anything like that. It's unfortunate yes, but I'd rather keep my knife and pepper spray by my bed and have food for a week than get a camera.

So now to what I did today. I told my boyfriend he has to go stay at his moms until this is all done. He refused and showed no sign of giving in. Even when I threatened to break up with him, he said he'd stay. But I didn't want him to get hurt. The stalker (what most of you were calling him, so I'm just going to call him that too) said don't associate with another male. I told him my best friend (we'll call her Jenn) was going to stay with me so I wasn't alone and I'd call him whenever I'm going to and from work and I'd see him on weekends. Just until this whole thing blows over.

Jenn was more than happy to stay with me. We live 45mins apart so I never see her. I told her briefly what happened and she assured me she'd help me and keep an eye out for me as well. She also has a pocket knife, so she's armed.

I took a different bus route home from work. It usually takes me half an hour- 45 mins depending on when the buses come, but today it took me an hour and a half hours. I wanted to take two completely different buses than usual. I had Jenn meet me at the bus stop by my house for me, and we walked home together. Nothing peculiar happened and were just sitting at home now.

I have three people that I have concluded might be the stalker. Two of them are plausible, the other not so much, but it's something.

My bus driver. Someone in the comments suggested it and that made me think maybe so. When I got on the bus going to work, he said "morning Mary!" Meaning he knows my name. I've never introduced myself to him before so that was weird. But I've also answered the phone using my name and made phone calls needing to state my name, so maybe he just learnt it? It's still weird. Plus he knows where I live because he drops me off two minutes from my place. This one is one I'm going to have to look into.

Jack. Jack is an old man who works out at the gym all the time. We make friendly conversation every time we see each other and he tells me he tries to get his wife to come. He also seems very interested in my life, but he could just be polite.

This one is definitely a stretch, but it's still something. So a year before I started dating my current boyfriend I was dating this other guy. Let's call him Mark. Mark and my current boyfriend were friends, so that's how I met him. Mark was mentally and emotionally abusive. I stayed with him because I loved him, but I knew he wasn't good for me. The relationship started off great, and then it just went downhill. Now, I KNOW I was crazy during this relationship. I was "the crazy girlfriend". He drove recklessly so when he didn't text me when he was home safe, I'd text his friend to see if they'd heard from him. I know. I'm crazy. This is the reason he broke up with me, which is very understandable. Now onto the reason I think there's a slight possibility it could be him. He drives. He drove me everywhere while we were dating, but about 3 days before the letter was delivered to my house, he was on the bus I was on going home. Which makes no sense because I live on the north side and he lives on the west side. So that was weird. He also could be doing this as revenge considering I'm dating his ex friend. But to be fair, they were more acquaintances. Friend of friends. So it's not like it's really a big deal. I don't know. And it also makes sense. "I lost you but now I found you" I moved out of the place I was in while I was dating Mark, so he wouldn't know where I lived now. Like I said, it sounds far fetched, but still possible.

I haven't gotten any more letter since the last one, but I'll keep you all updated if I do.


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