I almost got Married into a Sacrificial Cult

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A/N: Hey guys before you read I have a question. Do you guys want me to update once a week or once a month, also should I post more rituals? I could update on two different days every week or every month, depending on what you guys want, and do one day a ritual and one day a story. Comment your thoughts, and enjoy the story.

When my partner, Edna said yes to my marriage proposal I had never been so happy but now after everything that has occurred in the past week I wish she said no.

I was really excited for the day until Edna told me that the wedding had to be in the village she grew up in on a specific day and that none of my family could attend. I was annoyed by this and tried convincing her otherwise but she said that this was the only way we could get married. I gave in eventually because I loved her too much to break it off.

The wedding was to take place on the night of the 21st of December, the longest night of the year. In Edna's culture this was the only time you could get married. I had also never met any of her family before. In the early hours of the 20th we drove northwards to the edge of a dense forest.

We were driving up a dirt track into the forest until it came to a dead end. "We're here" Edna said.

"There's nothing here though" I replied confused.

"There are no cars allowed in the settlement, we have to leave everything here, and I mean everything" Edna began undressing.

"Wait what the fuck!" I exclaimed.

Edna explained to me "We can't bring anything from the outside world to the settlement, so we'll have to walk up naked".

"No fucking way" I replied.

"Please babe for me, it's the only way"

I reluctantly complied. We walked completely naked and freezing through the forest for about three hours until out of nowhere several people in black hooded robes emerged and surrounded us. They were all armed with some sort of weapon, such as daggers, axes and even scythes. Just as I began to panic Edna spoke "I wish to see my father and the High Priest". The hooded men escorted us to a large round clearing in the forest with a few hundred small wooden huts. The locals glared at me from the huts with a hostile demeanour as we walked through. We were taken to the largest hut where Edna's father and the High Priest were waiting.

"You wait out here while I talk to father and the High Priest, everything is going to be fine" Edna told me reassuringly. I still didn't like it, the whole feeling of the place made me uneasy but it was too late to go back by then, I thought I might as well get it over with. After a little while Edna came back out smiling and I was summoned into the hut to speak to Edna's father.

Edna's father was a tall middle aged man with with a long black beard which was starting to go grey, he wore a black robe like the other men and showed little emotion to anyone. "So you wish to marry my daughter." He asked calmly.

"Yes sir I would" I replied with confidence.

"Normally I wouldn't let outsiders come here but Edna tells me I can trust you. Can I trust you?".

"Trust me with what?" I asked.

"Now that you have seen our settlement you will have to stay here for the rest of your life, we cannot be exposed to the outside world under any circumstances. Is that understood?" He explained.

I was speechless.

He became much more aggressive in his approach "Now listen here boy, if you ever attempt to leave this place we will hunt you down and kill you before you reach civilisation again, now go, the ceremony will begin tomorrow when the sun sets".

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