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Sana POV

"S-Sana U-Unnie.."

"Dahyunie.. why are you stuttering?? And your vibe is so different what happened to my little tofu~ tofu~ tofu~" I pouted as I kissed her cheek.

"Yah~" she pouted.

"Cheer up baby~" I sang

"Sana Unnie mianhe~" she cried.

"Why are you crying..?" I asked pouting..

"Mianhe~" she cried more..

"Dahyun.. please tell me why are you saying sorry..?"

"It's Jungkook.." she cried more. "The reason he.. he hasn't been to school is because he was hit.. by a car.."

My heart dropped, it felt like I was stabbed a million times.. or even shot..  it felt like my heart shattered to a million pieces.. but why..?

"How d-do you know..?" I asked tearing up.

"I- I was there.. because.."she mumbled the last words to her sentence which I could not understand..

"I'm sorry Dahyun.. I dint understand the last sentence.. can you please repeat??"

"Iwasthereasonhewashit.."she mumbled again.



"What.. I can't understand.."

"I was the reason he was hit ok!"

I was lost at words.. my own best friend.. whom I loved and treasure more than anyone.. is the reason, the boy I loved was injured.. but how..?

"I don't understand.."

"I'm sorry.. I was mad at him for doing something.. and I guess I just carelessly walked the road.. and.. and Ben though I was mean to him.. he ended up saving my life.. I'm sorry.."

I sighed.. I know I should be mad.. I know I should be disappointed but I'm not.. and I can't.. because she's my Bestfriend she has been here for me when I needed her.. she forgave me when I did something wrong.. so I should forgive her..

I opened my arms out for a hug and she came closer and hugged me..

"It's ok.. I forgive you.. you didn't mean to do it.." I whispered in her ear..

"Mianhe~" she cried again and again..

I could only do nothing but smile and hug her close..


When we pulled away she was holding a carefully wrapped present.. I couldn't help but wonder who they were for..

"Who are they for Dahyun-ah..?"

She suddenly pulled the face you pull when you suddenly remember something!

"Happy birthday Sana Unnie!" She said handing me a rectangular shaped parcel wrapped with a cute teddy bear wrapper..

"Dahyun Gumawo!!" I thanked as I opened a present it was a box and inside it was a necklace.. a half heart.. and it says "Sa" and in the middle is half an "I".

Dahyun smiled and showed me the other half of the necklace in her neck and when we put our necklaces together it spelt "Saida"

I hugged Dahyun.. and thanked her again and again but she suddenly frowned..

She grabbed another carefully wrapped present from her bag and this time it was wrapped with the hearts wrapper..

"This is from Jungkook.."

She handed me the delicate present and I slowly opened it and one by one it revealed a CD..  saying "Play Me when you're feeling down.."

I smiled..

"Dahyun.. can you please take me to him.."

Narrator POV

With those words, Dahyun could do nothing but nod.. but as they arrived they saw a smiling Jungkook.. Sana's smiled but it soon faded as she saw who was behind that smile.. it was the girl she rivalled against.. and that girl was no other than I'm Nayeon..

Dahyun led Sana to the room where she explained to Nayeon to give them a moment.. Nayeon hesitated but then nodded and Sana and Jungkook were alone..

Sana who was about to thank Jungkook, and hug him was shattered as she heard three words that left her speechless, three words she thought she would never again hear from her Bestfriend.. three words that hurt her more than she thought..

"Who are you..?"

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