Chapter 159: Jerusalem, Masada, Dead Sea and arrival to Jordan

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Kris and Madison woke up and got dressed.  They both put on their bathing suits and Madison were a skort and peasant top and Kris put on a pair of shorts and a tee.   They ate a quick breakfast and then did a sweep of their room.   Once they were sure they had everything they went to check out.   They walked out to the front of their hotel. 

"We are doing one more tour of Jerusalem baby and some of the places we have already seen however, there is a few places we haven't been and one was important." Kris says.

"Okay baby I am cool with whatever." Madison says.

They head to the Mount of Olives at the Church of the Ascension, where they meet the guide.  Their guide started the tour explaining all about Mount of Olives, and the Church of Ascension where marks the spot where Jesus ascended to heaven and there is a rock with an imprinted footprint thought to be where Jesus stood before his ascension.  Madison and Kris got to see the rock in person and took a picture of it and then one of them with it.

They then head off to visit the Church of the Pater Noster, which is where Jesus taught the Lord's Prayer.  There are plaques on the walls with the Lord's Prayer written in more than a hundred languages.

"Wow this is so cool." Madison says taking pictures of the different plagues.

"Yeah I know this is really neat." Kris agrees.

They then go and visit the grotto where Jesus would have taught, which is also where Jesus told his disciples of the eminent destruction of Jerusalem and the 2nd coming.  They took another picture together in front of it. During the tour of  Mount of Olives, they had a breathtaking view of the Temple Mount, the Old City and the City of David.

Next they saw the Dominus Flevit.  The church was built to commemorate the site where Jesus wept over the fate of Jerusalem.  They then visit the Franciscan church designed by the famous Antonio Barluzzi.  Madison was snapping pictures left and right.   She as in her glory.   Next they saw without a doubt one of the most impressive sites in Jerusalem and one of the most moving moments in the last days of Jesus, Gethsemane or Church of all Nations. This is the church Jesus prayed alone to God.  Madison and Kris got pictures in front of all of them. 

The next stop on the tour is the Grotto of Gethsemane. The cave is decorated by Crusader frescoes and graffiti. Madison was taking pictures.   Afterwards see the Tomb of the Virgin Mary. This Crusader church was built over a quarried-out tomb that may well date from the 1st century, surrounded with the atmosphere of the Orthodox Churches, hanging lamps and incense.

"Wow so this is where they believe Mary to be laid to rest." Madison says.

"Or was until her ascension into heaven." Kris replies.

"Yeah but still cool." Madison adds as she takes pictures.

The tour then lead to Bethesda Pools, where it is said Jesus healed the paralytic. The site is a series of reservoirs and medicinal pools excavated in the late 19th century, but it has taken more than 100 years for archaeologists to accurately identify and interpret the site.

"Wow this is pretty cool.  Yes we were here already but we didn't know the history of them." Kris says.

"I know. 'Madison agrees.

They then  walk to the Via Dolorosa, where they enter Old Jerusalem through the Lion's Gate, and follow the painful path of Jesus on his way to his crucifixion. They saw the Austrian Hospice, the first national pilgrims' guesthouse in the Holy Land, dated from 1863, before moving onto see the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. After seeing everything and taking pictures the tour ended and Kris and Madison headed back to the hotel.

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