Chapter 160: Exploring Jordan

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Kris  woke up before Madison and decided to go on a little run around the hotel.   He gets back and goes to shower.   He gets in and starts the water.  Madison woke up not feeling Kris next to her.  She goes and heads into the bathroom.  Kris and Madison make love a few times in the shower before actually showering.  They then get out and dry off.  They got dressed putting on yet another bathing suit.  They then eat breakfast and then head out to meet their private driver for the day.  While not an official Ministry of Jordan guide, your driver is knowledgeable about the area and its history, and is able to point out sites of interest along the way.

They start the tour off  with a panoramic visit of the capital of Jordan.  From the ancient area with a view point from the Citadel and continue to the new modern Amman then proceed to the Amman citadel and Roman theater. Known in Jordan as Jebel al-Qala'a, the citadel is believed to have been fortified during the Bronze Age, and artifacts from that time period indicate that the hilltop site was a fortress for thousands of years.  Kris pays the entrance fee, they head in where they are able to pose for photos by the ruins, and then take a look around the old Roman theater.  Kris and Madison takes in the sights.   Madison was taking lots of pictures. 

Once they were satisfied with the pictures they get back into the car and begin traveling to Madaba, approximately 45 minutes south of Amman.

Often called the 'City of Mosaics,' Madaba owes its popularity to a lavish mosaic map of the Holy Land that covers the floor of St George's Church.  They arrive at the church and head inside the  see it, and learn about its history as well as the town's other ancient biblical sites from a local guide.   Kris and Madison take some pictures here as well.

They make a quick stop for lunch, at a local restaurant where they try some local food they get in the car and  continue to Mount Nebo, the hill where the prophet Moses was said to have been granted a view of the Promised Land before he died.   On the hill they are able to admire views of Jordan Valley, seeing the ancient lands of Judah and Jericho, and head inside the Franciscan monastery, which is built on the site of Mount Nebo's ancient church, to see relics and mosaics with a local guide.   They take lots of pictures here as well.

Later in the afternoon they head  back to the Dead Sea. Considered as one of the world's true natural wonders, the impressive body of water is fed by a collection of incoming rivers that gush to its land-locked shores. The waters are unable to flow elsewhere, so they evaporate and leave behind a rich concentration of natural salt that attributes to the Dead Sea's famous buoyancy.

Kris and Madison go and relax on one of the public beaches.   They get into the water and bob around in the Dead Sea's salty water.  Kris was able to read a newspaper as you recline on the surface!  After spending a little time here they then get back in the car and are taking back to their hotel.

They go up and change out of their bathing suits and into dry clothes.  Madison hangs their suits up to dry.   They then head out again.   They were taking another camel back tour of Jordan.    They get onto their camel and head out.

On the tour they see King Hussein Bin Talal Mosque, Ahl Al Kahf, Jebel Al Weibdeh, King Abdullah Mosque, Qasr al-Kharrana, Abu Darwish Mosque, Qasr al-Abd  and the Iraq Al Amir.   They were able to  get off a each location and take pictures.  They then head back to the hotel.   They then walked downtown and went through a few of the museums.  The Royal Automobile Museum, The Jordan Museum and the Children's Museum.   They then head back to their hotel.

Madison packs while Kris orders food. 

"We are coming back here before we go catch our flight to  Magnitogorsk." Kris says.

"Okay baby.  What are we doing tomorrow." Madison says.

"Something relaxing.  Make sure you take your beach bag." Kris says.

"Okay." Madison says.

She packs two towels for her and Kris and an extra change of clothes for them.   The food comes and they eat then they lay in the bed.  Sid calls.

"Hey Sid." Kris answers.

"Hey someone wanted to say hi." Sid says handing the phone to Micah.

He was laying in bed with Ashes.  He looks a little flushed and exhausted.

"Hey baby boy.  Are you okay?" Madison asks him.

"Yes Mommy just tired and upset tummy.  But Aunt Anna and Aunt Nadia are taking good care of me. " Micah says.

"Well me and daddy will be there soon okay baby boy." Madison says.

"Okay mommy.  Sorry I don't feel like talking tonight.  I just want to sleep." Micah says.

"It's okay baby go back to sleep.  I love you so much. "Madison says blowing him kisses.

"I love you too Mommy." Micah replies.

"Yeah buddy get rest and we will see you soon." Kris says/

"Night love you." Micah says to them both.

Micah lays back down and Sid walks out of the room letting him rest.

"That is all he has been doing today is sleeping and we have been letting him." Sid says.

"Thanks for helping take care of my baby." Madison says.

"See you guys soon?" Sid says.

"Yeah we won't be able to call tomorrow night since we will be flying.   But I guess we will see you when we land." Kris says.

"Yeah Me and G are going to pick you up.   We are going to let you guys relax around the house for a day or two but then G has two little trips planned for us all.   One to Mongolia, and another to Moscow where we will fly out to Montreal from." Sid says.

"Sounds awesome." Kris says.

"Yeah Mongolia is a pretty neat place." Madison says.

They chit chat a little more before hanging up.   Kris and Madison watch a movie and then make love a few times before falling asleep curled up together.

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