Chapter 186: Clearwater Beach and Pirate shows

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The next morning everyone got up and dressed in their bathing suits.   Geno and Sid made everyone two breakfast sandwiches to take with them.   They then went to start their day.   They were going to Clearwater Beach.   The get on the bus and relax and eat their breakfast  on the journey from Orlando to Clearwater.   Once they arrive they make the most of a few hours of free time to bask on the beach for a bit swimming and sunbathing.   They then eat their lunch  at a local café.

When it was  time, they step aboard Captain Memo's Pirate's Ransom, and start the 2-hour afternoon cruise.  Alongside a swashbuckling crew dressed as buccaneers, they enjoy an adventure on the Gulf of Mexico with onboard music and impressive scenery. Gaze out at bottlenose dolphins gliding around the wake as steel band music and reggae rings in your ears.

They  return to land, where they were able to  enjoy a little more free time to swim, sunbathe and  relax on the sands.   Kris, Sid and Geno rented jet skis so they all went out on them for a bit.   They got to see some sights while on them and they got to take dips in the Gulf of Mexico.   They return and turn in the Jet Skis and then change into dry clothes for the bus ride back to  Orlando.   They head to their villa and then get in the car to go eat.   They head to Shula's Steak House to eat.   When they were finished Sid picks up the bill.   They then head back to the Villa.   Anna and Geno put Nikita down and come back out.   They decide to play some games with Micah before he had to go to bed.

"Did you have fun buddy?" Kris asks him.

" I did. "Micah says.

"That is good." Madison replies.

"Ashes' belly is getting big." Nadia says.

"I know you can feel them inside her growing.   I felt seven puppies." Madison says.

"Wow seven that is a lot." Anna says.

"Actually its not that many.   Dogs can have up to ten puppies in a litter." Madison adds.

"Wow. I want one." Nadia says.

"Okay that is fine.   I know Anna wants one and so do Matt and Chrissy." Madison says.

"That is three accounted for." Nadia replies.

"We are keeping one. "Micah says happy.

"Yes buddy we are. "Kris adds.

"So that is four." Anna says.

"Yeah we might keep two. "Madison says.

"We can." Kris says kissing her head.

"That would leave you with only two to find homes for." Nadia says.

"I am sure someone in the Penguin family will want one." Sid says.

"This true." Geno adds.

That was when Kris's phone went off. 

"Who that?" Geno asks him.

"Liz.   She sent me a pic of the newest sonogram.   It's definitely a girl." Kris says smiling.

"That is good baby I am happy for you." Madison says.

"Thanks I have a name for her already but I know Liz won't go for it." Kris says.

"What is it?" Sid asks.

"Madison Rose." Kris replies.

"Really you want to name your daughter after me?"  Madison asks.

"Yes.   Granted I know that she is the result of a mistake I made but she is a miracle and beautiful and baby you are a miracle and beautiful and I am glad you came into mine and Micah's life." Kris says kissing her head.

"Aww baby I am honored but you are right Liz will not go for it." Madison says.

"Fight custody and name her." Geno says.

"That is the plan." Kris says.

They play a few more games before all turning in.   They were pretty beat from the day.   Kris lets Ashes out and feeds her before bringing her back into their room.   Madison was already in bed.   Kris gets in and curls up with her and Ashes before falling asleep like Madison already was.

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