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Rose and Jack had left the console room leaving Sloan and the Doctor alone. She was debating one if the Doctor was going to bring up the fact about why she... zoned out. He was fiddling with the controls. She hadn't brought it up just yet, she liked to watch him pilot the TARDIS, but at some point it was going to come up. With a small almost inaudible sigh she decided that she was going to bring it up. Although she didn't know how to bring it up.

"Okay, I don't know how to put this... At least without sounding mad." She began looking away from the Doctor. He stopped what he was doing at the console and turned to look at her. "As you know I'm adopted. At least I am pretty sure I told you, but that's beside the point. I was pretty young so it wasn't really a surprise when I uh couldn't remember anything from my past. I was luckier than most getting adopted pretty quickly, but I've always... I don't know... I get these killer headaches or migraines I can never tell the difference but it's not like a normal thing.

"I get these vision things along with the headaches. Sometimes it's accompanied with me being put into comas until my brain's swelling goes down and other times it results in a bloody nose. These vision things... I am still myself but different. Different faces, different voices and different actions. I used to take meds for this but they stopped after a while. Each vision is different." She told him about all her recent ones. "I'm terrified about this. I don't know what to do. As my best friend I thought that maybe you could help."

The Doctor stood frozen at what Sloan had told him. It would make complete sense as to why she got an ID card when they had the issue with the Slitheen in Downing Street they seemed to think that she was the Sloan. He looked at her and it dawned on him that it could be the reasons as to how Sloan knew things she shouldn't have known. Although she had complete access to the library knowing that the TARDIS liked her, so that could be just coincidence. It wasn't until she said this one word that made him believe that he wasn't alone. That he wasn't the last Time Lord. "Theta." She said his academy name, but it wasn't just the name, it was how she said it that had him believing. She said it with so much vulnerability, that he knew it was his best friend. Walking over to her the Doctor got Sloan to stand and he embraced her with a warm embrace.

Sloan hugged him back albeit a bit confused. She wasn't sure where this hug came from- not that she minded it- and relaxed into it. For the first time in her life it felt as though there was hope that she wasn't going to suffer through her headaches anymore. "I should have known that Rassilion had something to do with why you hadn't come back to me, even though you promised." He said

Confused she had to ask "What are you talking about?"

"The Time War Sloan. Your headaches... They aren't just flashes of a dream... They're memories. Your memories, the ones taken from you. Rassilion robbed them from you. Of could I should have known that he had something planned for the last Pure Blooded Time Lord. I just didn't think about it. Your Sloan, you've always been Sloan. My Sloan. You found your way back to me."

"So all my vision things have really happened? Actually I didn't find you, you found me..." Not just the library, but crashing into the shed when she was a young girl praying to Santa with her sister about the crack in the wall.

He nodded "Yes, now normally I wouldn't have believed it but you called me 'Theta' and that's a name only close friends knew from the Academy. The real question is why are your memories surfacing? They shouldn't be... Unless it's a glitch with the way he stripped you of your Time Lord self... It wasn't a Chameleon Arch."

"No it was new. Something untested. It was a long shot but it was meant to preserve. I can't even go back to being a Time Lord like you can a Chameleon Arch. I'd have to take in the time vortex and that's dangerous." The joyous look the Doctor had vanished from sight as she said those words. He knew she was telling the truth. It was one thing to look into the vortex when they were children and another to actually take it in. It could kill anyone.

"We'll figure something out, now that I know the cause of your headaches... I may have something around here..." He pulled away from the embrace and looked around the console for something before pulling it up. "This will temporarily stop your memories, so you won't get any new flashes until we find a solution to get you back... If that's what you want of course?"

"Theta, I promised that I would for as long as I possibly could... I promised on Gallifrey and I promise it now. I think I need to be her, that I am her, but not her at the same time. I think you need her. So yes I will take that for now until we find a solution to get her back." They were both grinning. His eyes lit up in a way she hadn't seen in a long time and technically it wasn't really her. Not yet anyway. With a yawn Sloan headed off to her room leaving the Doctor alone with his thoughts.

She was a Time Lord. How things happened it was like one out of a story, then again she knew that everyone was just a story in the end. Opening the door to her room her giant bed seemed so inviting, but first she needed to shower, something she hated to do before bed and to change into some jim-jams... She needed to sleep. She fiddled with the bracelet the Doctor had given her. The relief she felt when it was one. Her head felt so much better. There was a dull ache she hadn't even been aware of until she put the thing on. It was a relief. She didn't have to deal with it... At least she wouldn't have to deal with it for a while, as it wasn't a permanent solution.

The Doctor and Sloan (The Doctor and Sloan Series book 1)Where stories live. Discover now