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/a/n first of all sorry for lying to you guys lol I said I would update this tuesday the 20th of june but as I'm writing this it's sunday the 25th of june so don't kill me pls i love you guys/

when dan finally got to come home a couple of days after his surgery, phil decided to go home and see his family.

once phil left, dan immediately took a spot on the sofa and put on a movie, cuddling up in his favourite blanket. his mum sat in the chair next to him and did a crossword puzzle whilst the movie was on.

dan's dad was at work when he first got home, but got off about an hour into the film.

will sat next to his son on the couch and patted his back lovingly and reassuringly.

"i'm so happy you're doing well, son," will said with a kind smile. he really was a great dad, dan just felt awkward around him most of the time. they didn't always connect very well, what with their varying interests.

after the movie finished, dan's parents went to the kitchen to cook dinner - the first homecooked meal dan had eaten in almost a week.

once dinner was finished, it was nearly eight in the evening, and dan was exhausted.

his mum helped him upstairs, and once she was gone, dan decided to hop in the shower to rid himself of the gross hospital smell.

as he washed himself, he noticed the scars on his torso. he shivered at the memories of his... experience.

he still hadn't told his parents. they would probably think he's crazy if he told them. hell, phil probably even thought he was delirious.

he shook off those thoughts and got out of the shower. he got ready for bed, and once he was changed into his pajamas, he got into his bed and nestled himself in the warmth of his covers.

he hadn't slept by himself in over a month. he missed phil.

he decided to take his phone off of his charger and text his boyfriend.

d: i miss u philly :(

about a minute later he received a message back.

p: i miss you too

d: come over

p: i can't

d: why not?

p: it's too late

d: it's literally nine pm that's not late at all

p: i'm sorry sugar plum my mum won't let me

d: you're in your twenties you can do what you want

p: calling you

so phil did as he said and called dan. dan answered the phone immediately.

"hi," dan said.

"okay, so my mum is really pissed at me," phil said, "she's mad at me because i've been spending so much time with you, and like prioritizing you over her."

dan stayed silent, so phil decided to continue.

"around eight i told her i was probably going to see you tomorrow and she just started screaming at me and saying how terrible of a son i am and she called me a faggot."

"phil," dan said comfortingly, "are you okay?"

"and she said how she hated that i was gay, she said she wished i was normal - her words, not mine. she said being gay was wrong and that she wanted me to be with a girl and have kids naturally, and she's just really, really angry," phil said. it was then when dan realized he was crying.

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