hi all!

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Hi all! i posted something similar on my profile message board but I thought I'd post it here too.

"As you know, I used to I used to write Phanfiction, and have a couple of those stories still published on my profile.

I'm sure you are all aware of Daniel's new video titled "Basically I'm Gay" where he talked about his difficulties growing up and accepting his sexuality and himself as a person. In the video, he also briefly mentioned that he and Phil were (at one point) more than friends, and he even says they are soulmates.

While this may be exciting for us Phan shippers, Daniel also mentioned in the video that he and Phil are very private people and want to keep their relationship and personal lives just that. Private.

Shortly following this video, a lot of people became - for lack of a better word - sensitive about all of the fanfictions/fanart/Phan shippers that had ever or still shipped Phan, whether or not they had taken it too far. This wasn't only on Wattpad.

While I do agree that some people take it WAY too far, I believe that fanfictions are okay, considering "fiction" is in the name of the genre and people should be smart enough to assume that fanfictions are purely fictional.

Despite my thoughts, I'm aware that not everyone feels the same when it comes to this topic. So, to make this a long story short:

Any fanfictions that I have written regarding Daniel Howell and Phil Lester's sexualities/relationship are completely based on fiction and I never meant any harm, nor did I mean to "capitalize" on their relationship for reads/votes/comments, and if you are offended by the fact that I wrote this stories, I deeply apologize.

Another thing regarding this story in particular, it wasn't my intention to "capitalize" on cancer or any mental illnesses mentioned in this story. It was purely fictional and I am deeply sorry to anyone that may have been offended.

I hope you all understand, and remember to be respectful of other people's opinions and beliefs regarding this topic, or any topic at that.

Have a great day. Thanks for reading!


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