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"where are you going?" dan asked tiredly from his spot on the bed. it was nearly nine at night, but dan was exhausted.

"my mum's house," phil said carefully, "i still have a few clothes and things that i need to get, i only brought enough clothes for a few days."

"oh, do you want me to go with you?" dan asked, half asleep.

"you don't have to, you're tired," phil said, walking to dan and kissing his temple.

"okay," dan said, falling asleep as he spoke, his eyes fluttering shut, "i love you, be safe."

"i love you, too," phil said, walking out the door, "don't worry about me."

phil gave dan another loving glance before closing the door behind him. he'd told catherine and will earlier that day that he was going to go back.

"we'll see you in a bit, dear," catherine said as phil walked out the door. phil smiled gratefully at her before leaving the house and getting in his car.

he drove in silence to his house, the radio on a low volume. he was tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as an attempt to calm himself down, but to no avail.

soon enough, he was pulling into his old driveway.

he got out of his car and noticed all the lights were off. thankfully, he kept his key.

he unlocked the door and stepped inside. he planned to go straight to his room and grab his suitcase, stuff it with as many things he could pack, and leave.

he looked around at the floor. on it, various books, pictures, and clothes were scattered across. there were broken knick knacks and picture frames strewn across the beige carpet.

he shrugged and slowly walked to his room. on his way there, however, he had to walk by his mother's room.

he looked inside and noticed his mother lying on her side, gripping a pair of scissors. he sighed out of relief when he realized she was asleep.

he continued walking to his room, slowly opening the door when he reached it, careful not to make a sound.

he gasped as he noticed the state of his room. there were clothes cut up on the floor, posters ripped, his bed sheets thrown on the ground. he looked in his closet and noticed most of his clothes were okay, but the ones on the floor were completely ruined. he quickly opened the suitcase that was on the floor and began quietly and quickly taking all of his clothes - at least the ones that survived his mother's rampage, as well as a few other necessities.

he zipped up his suitcase when he was done. he looked around his room one final time before deciding it was time to say goodbye.

he carefully walked out of his room, looking to make sure his mum was still asleep. when he looked in her room, she was nowhere to be seen.

phil swallowed a lump in his throat and looked around for any traces.

she suddenly jumped out of the bathroom, tightly holding a baseball bat, "i knew it was you," she hissed, swinging the bat at her son.

he yelled out in surprise, barely dodging the weapon, "get away from me!" phil shouted, hurriedly getting away from her.

"you're not getting away so easy!" she shouted, running after phil with a sadistic grin, cackling evilly.

phil ran out of the house and slammed the door in her face, quickly getting into his car after throwing his things in the backseat. he went to start his car, but soon realized his keys were gone.

"shit!" he said, just as his mum left the house, following after him. he grabbed his suitcase and rummaged around, remembering that he placed his keys in it without remembering to take them out.

he finally found them just as his mother was mere moments away from smashing the windows of his car. he shakily started his car and sped away just as she hit the back of his car, it only leaving a dent.

he practically sped back to dan's house, zipping up his suitcase and locking his car, stepping inside.

"how did it go?" catherine asked.

phil sighed, "could've been better, but it could've been worse, too."

"do you want to talk about it?" she asked.

"maybe later," phil said, "i'm just going to call it a night."

"alright, dear, sleep well."

"you too," phil said with a smile as he walked up the stairs and opened the door to his and dan's room.

the first thing he did once he was in the room was faceplant on the bed next to dan - who was still awake, but just barely.

"did everything go well?" dan asked weakly.

"huh?" phil said, surprised that dan was still awake, turning around so he was lying on his back, "oh, yeah, just get some sleep."

dan snuggled closer to phil and soon fell asleep, leaving phil alone with his thoughts once again.

/a/n sorry the wait for this chapter was so long, but if you read the authors note chapter before this one, then you hopefully understand.

i recently got a job and am starting college in a week, so if my updates are still slow afterwards, that's why.

also thank you so much to @Shadowkitkat for the awesome idea! i'll also be including other ideas from the comments of the last part.

thank you so much for being patient. i love you guys :)

-emily <3

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