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"come on, come on!" dan whisper-yelled excitedly as he rushed down the stairs, dragging phil outside.

phil giggled quietly, "shh!"

when they got outside, dan motioned for phil to follow him.

it had been a few days after phil's trip back home and he had told dan everything.

since then, dan had been planning a late-night adventure for them to go on.

"where are we going?" phil said, still whispering as he and dan made their way to the pavement and began walking.

"you'll see," dan said, taking phil's hand in his own.

they walked in silence for a while, occasionally looking up at the stars and enjoying each others company. it was then when phil realized his fiancée was the most beautiful human in the world. the way his chocolate brown eyes sparkled in the moonlight, the way his dimples looked when he smiled, his small amount of freckles that perfectly complimented his skin and details. he was just so goddamned beautiful. phil felt so lucky.

but why did he have to suffer through that awful, dreadful, disgusting disease.

phil suddenly leaned forward and kissed dan's cheek.

"what was that for?" dan asked, a light crimson blush heating his cheeks.

"just 'cause," phil smiled, making dan blush even harder.

"you dork," dan giggled, "but we're here."

they were stood at a small walking bridge in town. when phil didn't say anything, dan continued.

"i know it's not anything special, i just thought... i don't know, i wanted to do something nice for you since i know you've been upset lately."

"it's okay, dan," phil said, leaning forward and kissing dan's cheek, "any excuse to spend more time with you is perfect to me."

they walked toward the middle of the bridge and sat crisscross, facing each other.

phil reached toward dan's hand and picked it up in his own. he looked at his frail fingers.

"can i roll up your sleeves?" phil asked, looking up at dan. dan, still looking down at their hands, nodded.

phil did so, and noticed how thin his arm was. he frowned, "i hate this."

dan just nodded again.

phil flipped over dan's arm so that his wrist was upwards. there were faint scratch marks, as well as other scrapes and bruises.

"are you... are you doing this to yourself?" phil asked quietly.

"no," dan said, "the bruises and scabs just kind of appear, probably because i'm so thin. the scratching marks were self inflicted but i never meant to hurt myself. i don't want to die."

"dan, look at me," phil said. dan did as instructed, "we're going to end this for good, okay?"

dan nodded a third time, "i know."

"you're going to beat this, and we're going to get married and adopt so many puppies," phil said, a smile on his face.

"i love you," dan smiled, phil's smile contagious.

"i love you, too," phil said, leaning forward and pecking dan on the lips.

dan returned the kiss.

after a bit, they leaned against the railing together on the bridge, just staring at the stars with their hands entwined.


when they got back to the house, the sun began to rise.

"wanna watch the sunrise with me?" dan asked.

"of course," phil said, "can we go up on the roof?"

"yeah, my window leads to it," dan said, "we can climb onto it from there."

so they went up the stairs to dan's bedroom, climbed out of the window, and went on the roof. phil wrapped his arm around dan's shoulders, and dan leaned his head on phil.

they watched as the dark blue skies turned lighter and as orange and pink hues filled the sky.

"this is my favorite thing we've ever done together," dan suddenly said, "i mean, other than the proposal."

"yeah," phil said softly, "me too."

/a/n i know this is a really short chapter but i haven't updated since august and i haven't written anything since september

i'm trying to get more into updating and writing and shit so please please please forgive me for the extremely late update

i'm still going to keep this story on hold because idk when i'll update again, but take this chapter as a peace offering

i thought this chapter was really cute and stuff so i hope you enjoyed reading

i love you all. thank you for being patient


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