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*smut warning. i indicate with asterisks when the smut begins and ends. enjoy the chapter!*

the day went on as it normally did. dan and phil hung out with dan's mum in the living room, watching moana on the telly and joking around.

when the movie was finished, the boys went upstairs to dan's room and lay down together on the bed.

"what do you want to do?" dan said, turning over on his side to face his boyfriend.

"pillow fort?" phil asked.

"phil, we're both like ten feet tall-"

"pillow fort!" phil said, getting out of the bed and picking up all of the pillows around them, the ones on dan's bed and others he had around his room.

dan laughed and stood up as well, picking up a few blankets scattered around the area and they went to work.

they moved dan's white fairy lights to the side of his bed and propped the blankets up above them so that it was a fort, what with which was big enough for both dan and phil to lie under.

they grabbed the pillows and put them in the fort, scattering them all around to where it would be most comfortable.

when they were finished creating their masterpiece, they crawled inside after turning out the lights, dan dragging in his laptop behind him.



they watched the movie on netflix in content, occasionally sharing small kisses.

when the movie was over, dan closed his laptop and left the fort with it, putting it back on his desk and making sure it was charging.

"i'll be right back, stay there," dan said, leaving the room and entered the washroom, grabbing a clothespin and went back into his room, closing the door and crawling back into the fort, closing the entrance with the clothespin.

"the lighting is nice," phil said.

"yeah, it's really nice," dan said.

"hey, come closer," phil said. dan scooted closer to his boyfriend and was immediately kissed, to which dan kissed back.

phil pulled away in between kisses and said, "i love you."

"i love you so much, phil," dan said as he leaned in for a more passionate kiss.

dan soon got into phil's lap and wrapped his legs around his back and his arms around his neck. phil was sat cross-legged and his hands found their way into dan's thinning hair.

they kissed for a while longer when dan started unbuttoning phil's plaid shirt. phil didn't object, instead he began to lift dan's black t-shirt over his head.

dan pulled away once both of their shirts were off, "do you... want to?"

phil just nodded in response before reconnecting their lips. dan's hands were now on either side of phil's face.

their sitting positions quickly formed into laying positions, dan on the floor facing up, and phil above him facing down.

they kissed again out of pure bliss as they struggled with taking off their pants.

soon enough they were both in their underwear, and phil pulled away from dan for a moment.

"are you sure you want to, dan?" phil asked for consent gently, taking dan's hand in his own.

"yes, i'm as sure as i've ever been, this is the right time. i want this," dan said, "i love you, and i trust you."

"i love you, too," phil said, "i just want to let you know that if you want to stop just let me know and i will."

"okay," dan said, taking a deep breath, "i'm ready."

*smut starts here, if you feel uncomfortable reading, skip to the asterisks after the smut, indicating when it's over*

"you're so beautiful," phil breathed out, preparing himself.

not long after phil's comment, they were both in the nude and phil readied himself at dan's entrance.

phil finally entered and dan let out a small gasp. phil incrementally continued inserting himself, and once he was fully in, he let dan adjust himself.

phil soon continued, slowly thrusting in and out until dan asked him to go faster.

phil kissed dan's face, neck, and chest as he sped up, dan beginning to moan as it continued.

dan sighed out of pleasure as phil kept gradually speeding up.

they both tried to keep their moaning as quiet as possible since both of dan's parents were now home.

phil leaned forward to kiss dan as he thrust in one last time. dan finished right as he stopped, and as phil was about to finish as well, he pulled out just in time.

"that. was. amazing." said dan, sighing tiredly.

"agreed," phil panted out, falling on his back next to dan.

"we should probably clean up, shouldn't we," dan said.

"oh, i suppose so," phil laughed, "i mean, i'd rather not have sticky stuff on me, so we should definitely clean up."

dan laughed and covered his face, "sorry."

"don't apologize, i knew what was in store," phil winked, before unpinning the fort and leaving it, walking into dan's ensuite bathroom.

dan was soon with phil in the shower to clean up, and they cleaned each other off in the least sexual way possible after their events just before.

after the shower, the two of them went back into dan's room to get dressed in sweat pants and joggers.

*thus concludes the smutty scene*

the two of them soon tore down the fort and returned dan's room back to normal, unlocking dan's bedroom door but leaving it closed before laying down in dan's bed once again.

"i'm exhausted," phil said.

"what time did you wake up this morning?"

"well, my mum woke me up by screaming at me around seven in the morning, so since then," phil sighed, "it's really hard knowing my own mother doesn't want me."

"don't worry about her," dan said, "i know it's difficult, but if she doesn't accept you for who you are that's her problem. besides, you have me and my parents to always turn to in times of struggle. i love you, and so do my parents."

"i know i always have your family to turn to, but she's my mother, it just hurts really bad when i think about it too much," phil said, avoiding eye contact with dan.

dan leaned forward and pecked phil's nose, "it'll all work out," he said, barely a whisper.

"i hope so," phil sighed, finally looking dan in the eyes.

they shared a kiss.

/a/n sorry the smut wasn't great, I did my best!

also the pillow fort in the picture is a smaller version of the one in this chapter, just an example of something similar.

I hope you liked the chapter anyway, and I hope you have a good rest of your day!


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