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"daniel howell?" phil said as he pulled something small out of the pocket of his jeans, "will you marry me?"

"phil... oh my god..." dan began, "we're so young!"

"i know," phil said, but i've never been so sure of anything in my life that you're the one."

"i feel the same about you," dan sighed, "yes, i will marry you."

"r-really?" phil said excitedly, "i thought you were starting to say no!"

"come here, you idiot," dan said, connecting phil's lips with his own in a happy kiss.

"i love you," phil said after the kiss was over, putting the engagement ring on dan's finger.

dan looked at the beautiful ring, "i love you, too," he said as he kissed phil once more.


when they left the scene, they drove back to dan's place.

"wait, now i know why you and mum were acting so strange!" dan said, playfully punching phil in the shoulder as he laughed.

phil laughed with dan, sticking his tongue out under his teeth the way that dan loved so much, "yeah, i felt kinda bad that i couldn't tell you, but i wanted it to be special."

"and it was," dan said, pecking phil's cheek, "it was the most special night i've ever had."

when phil parked in the driveway, dan sighed, "so you told my mum, did you ask my dad if you could?"

"of course i did," phil said, "he was perfectly alright with it."

"oh, he didn't show any signs that he knew when i talked to him this morning," dan said.

"yeah," phil said, "he's pretty good at keeping things on the down low."

"let's go inside."

"okay," phil smiled, getting out of the car and opening the door for dan once again.

"what a gentleman," dan laughed.

phil took dan's hand in his and they walked to the front door, opening the door.

they saw catherine and will watching a movie in the lounge right when they walked in, but catherine immediately paused it, looking over at the boys expectantly.

dan moved his right hand from behind his back to the front, showing his parents the ring with a slightly awkward smile.

"eek!" catherine screeched, standing up and running over to dan, wrapping him in a big hug, "i'm so happy for you!"

will walked forward and hugged dan as well, motioning for phil to join the group hug.

when the hug was over, catherine kissed her son's cheek three times in excitement, "i'm the happiest mum alive!"

dan laughed, "calm down, it's just an engagement."

"calm down?!" she said, "how dare you! how could i possibly calm down! my only son is engaged!"

dan laughed again, phil, will, and catherine all joining in.

"i'm just so excited for the two of you, i'm so happy," catherine said.

"me, too," will agreed, putting his arm around his wife's shoulders.

dan felt so happy.

"alright, well you two better get to bed," catherine began, "you've had a big day."

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