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Yamamoto pov:

I saw Naru running around the Seireitei again, even louder than usual, acting like a child, will she ever learn? She really is something else, I may have a soft spot for her, she still needs to learn about life. 'Hm, I wonder how she will react to her next mission?' October 10th is right around the corner. She will have to be gone for quite sometime, and time passes differently in the human world, especially the one she will be sent too. I hope I'm making the right choice sending her into this mess, but something in my gut tells me she needs it and it's calling for her. Well at least she will be able to finally slack on her work as a captain and not get in trouble.  She will be devastated thought, especially because she was finally able to get everyone to completely warm up to her. But everything is for the greater good, and anything she does she does it with pride and that's more than I can ever ask for, from the captain of the 9th division. 

3rd pov:

As old man Yamamoto  was thinking about how to break the news to Naru he didn't notice the little vixen sneak up behind him until it was to late, she jumped onto his back. "what'cha thinking about Yama-nii?" while the little blonde had a foul mouth, and as much as she loved her pranks she looked up to Yamamoto like an older brother, he took her under his wing when she first arrived in the Seireitei, she has been with him learning and gaining so much knowledge, not just about fighting but about love and family, things she could only dream of when she first got to the seireitei, but now she not only has Yamamoto, but she has everyone else in the seireitei as her family.

The older man sighed he then proceeded to carefully take Naru off of his back. He placed her on the ground, he then kneeled down in front of her looking into her eyes. "Naru I have a mission for you. I am sorry but you will be sent to the human world, for a few years to help keep the balance of the Five Great Shinobi Countries for awhile." Naru looked at him and busted out laughing, making her knee, "good one Yama-nii, I didn't know that you had it in ya to make jokes like that!" The thing that scared Naru the most is that Yamamoto didn't laugh along, his eyes screaming that he was so sorry, as he held a stern and hard face. She straightened up, taking a position of attention in front of her captain, eyes full of determination, all while thinking  'if Yama-nii believes in me and picked me, I will!', She smiled, her eyes still holding tightly onto her determination, she finally agrees after a few moments of silence. "When will I be leaving captain?"

Yamamoto looked down and mumbled something underneath his breath, "what? speak up Yama-nii!". "I said that you're leaving on the 10th.", he finally stood tall and looked down at her smiling, pulled her close and just held her tight. Not knowing the next time he would be able to hug his little sister and not feel guilty about this mission.

"You know how to contact us Naru if you need anything, anything at all, even if its just you needing someone to talk too. Everyone of us will be giving you a gift before you leave that you will take with you." Naru slowly pulled away, she looked up with tears in her eyes and smiled. She smiled that damned smile that could brighten any mood and make anyone stop and stare. "Yama-nii, Thank you for entrusting me with this mission. I will keep the Five Shinobi Countries safe and protect them with the second life I am being granted, I shall rise up and have it known that I will protect anyone and everyone who seeks it, no matter what." 


It was almost time for Naru to leave behind all her friends, no that's wrong the family she had created and the strays she picked up along the way. She would be back, stronger then before, no matter what. After all the goodbyes were said, the gifts given, and tears shed. (A/N:will be said what she got at a later date, its a surprise) She knew what she had to do and she knew exactly how to do it. 

She would have to be the dead last, knuckle head, male, ninja. She would have to be smart with her decisions and she would have to be careful, but covert missions were her specialty, and she refused to let her family down. As Naru slowly started lost conscience, she was standing in the Seireitei. 

Opening her eyes she now  is in the middle of what looks like a battle, with a giant fox infront of her.., The Nine Tailed Fox, who she shall become the jinjuriki for, a beautiful creature if she must say. 

(Okay! that's a wrap well my first chapter is done! I hope that you enjoyed it! I would also like to say thank you to @DefendTheUndefended for the story idea! i fell in love with one of their stories and wanted to write my own, and also thank you @Jarodisamazing for the help and the ideas! you both really helped me with my story so far!

Alright I'm going back through my story revising it, and making it actually readable, if anyone has any recommendations let me know! happy reading! I will be going chapter by chapter so don't be shocked seeing me in your notifications!❤️)

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