Chapter 3: chunin exams (entrance) part 1

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(A/N: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry this took so longggggg, i was writing down ideas in my notebook, and for some reason i thought that i wrote the chapter for some reason.., and silly me forgot to save before i fell asleep yesterday and my computer shut off, which in turn deleted the chapter.., Splitting this into at least 3 chapters for now, alot with be happening, and the actual exam won't start till next episode, now onto the story!)

Naru pov:

I slowly started to awake and snuggled into the warmth next to me, oh so warm. I start to purr and I feel the thing... no the person I'm cuddled against start to laugh, it was a quite laugh and short but it was still a laugh. I open my eyes, ugh to bright, way to bright. I shoved my face back into Gaara's neck and tried to go back to sleep.

"Naru-chan, you need to get up. The exams will start soon." I pull my face out of Gaara's neck, and look at him and say while blushing, "Can we go together? I mean you don't have to if you don't want to!" I quickly pull away, sit up, and look away, while blushing like a total tomato. He lifts my face up, hands on either side of my face, "Why wouldn't I want to go with you Naru-chan?" he looks at me, with confusion clearly on his face. I sigh and start to speak, "No one here besides a few know who I actually am and people think I'm a deadlast, I don't want you to be ashamed..," Once I finish speaking I get up and start to walk away.

But I'm stopped, "Than show them who you really are, I don't care what people think. Don't forget I'm also a Jinchuuriki." (A/N: I google how to spell this and it comes out differently all the time, I'm sorry!) I started to smile and grabbed Gaara's hand, " Is it okay? Is it okay if I hold your hand?" He looks at me for a second, "Why ask? Do as you wish, I'm not complaining. I feel calm with you and at peace for once while with you." My smile just got even bigger as he said those words.

I keep walking, but this time with Gaara at my side. My mood starts to go sour, I can feel their glares and stares. I grip Gaara's hand tighter, I know he can feel them too. I slowly start shaking, slowing down even more, I didn't want him to see this. I'm acting pathetic, okay, take a breath.

Gaara grips my hand tighter, "Ignore them Naru-chan, they are civilian fools who don't know the difference between a kunai and the scroll." I smile softly and once again and slowly start to pick up my pace. Not letting his hand go, I don't think I can, I love this warmth, It's nice.

As we approach the building where the first part of the chunin exams are held, I send out my chakra for sensory, that's when it hit me, I felt a familiar spiritual pressure and I also felt a genjutsu. I gripped Gaara's hand tighter, something doesn't feel right. As soon as we walk in all eyes are on us, I quickly scan for my team mates and spot the. "I have to go check in with my team want to go with? Or do you want me to come find you after I do?" He side glances at me and says, "I'll go with you, Naru-chan." I smile at him, and we start to walk towards my team.

As soon as we approach them they both look at me, then at Gaara, then at our hands. "Come on we need to get going." I start to walk away with pulling Gaara with me, "What do you mean?! We are already on the third floor!" The stupid banshee yells, all eyes now on us, I look at her and glare, "Shut the hell up pinky, wow you're really stupid, there is a genjutsu idiot. To think that you of all people were named top of the class." She starts blushing and glares at me, she runs at me, obviously to punch me. I look at her and, "Binding spell 81: Splitting Void," was what came out of my mouth, as if second nature.

She looked at me and laughed, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT SUPP-" her words cut short as she ran into the force field. I giggle a little and say, "That, that's what that was supposed to do." She looks at me and goes to punch me again only to be stopped by a worm in green spandex, I look at him confused, and then sigh, "Whatever, let's go Gaara, I don't have time for this, we need to hurry, I have things to do and people I wish to speak to." I say release soon after and started walking, everyone distracted by the worm, I mean Lee.

I see Kakashi, he looks up, I kind of sideward glanced at him, and continued to walk. "Hey Naru-chan wasn't that your teacher?" Gaara says a little confused, ah he's so cute, "Well actually yeah, but I need to talk to the old man and see if I can sit out of the part of the chunin exams where we go to the forest of death, I can't intervene with what is to happen." He looks at me for a second shocked and curious, "what do you mean sit out?" I sigh and say, "I have a feeling something is going to happen, I can't intervene quite yet, if it's what I think then I'm going to wait till the third part of the exams for deal with it."

I grip Gaara's hand and start walking towards the old mans chakra, as we approach him he smiles, "ah Naru-sama, nice to see you! I can see that you're doing well, but what is it I can do for you?" I smile back and say, "what did I tell you about being formal old man? And I wish to sit out of the second part of the exams, where we go to the forest of death? I have a feeling something will happen. I want to let it happen, Yama-nii and I already talked about it last time, stick to the plan and I will take care of everything." Gaara grips my hand tighter, I step in front of him, "If anything could I stay with Gaara? I won't intervene, and you'll be able to see him again, my lieutenant I mean." With that the old mans face lights up, I start to pull Gaara away and start walking towards the room where everyone is gathered.

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