chapter 1 : The meeting

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(A/N: naru hasnt blown her cover yet and everything before this, which is episode 20, stays exactly the same, besides a few slip-ups which she has covered up)

3rd pov:

As Naruto and team Konohamaru were running away from Sakura, screaming her head off light a banshee. They ran into a kid who looks like he's wearing a cat costume and clown make-up. The kid yanks up Konohamaru by his shirt threatening him. Naruto sighs, having to keep up the annoying act she has built up. Proceeds to yell at him to drop the third hokage's grandson. As she is yelling she feels a sense of blood lust, a slight chakra signature, and a sense of familiarity. Then she goes quiet and looks up towards the tree. 

Naru/Naruto pov:

As I notice the person in the tree, ignoring everyone else, I slowly start walking towards the tree. Ignoring the stares I was receiving and the empty threats, as if these mortals could even wish of actually doing harm to me. 

Then I saw him, a red-headed kid in the tree, with the kanji for love on his forehead just standing there staring at me. Slight shock crossing his features as he sees me looking at him. Did he have the same feeling that I had? "Who're you? And why are you just standing there in the tree like a creep?" I say in a tone my team nor anyone from the village has ever head, besides old man third, my team looks at me in in jealousy and awe. He then jumps down right in front of me. I don't move or flinch, as our noses brush each other, he steps back so they are not touching anymore, but still close. "Gaara, I'm Gaara of the Sand, and who might you be?" I stand there stunned, he's so beautiful, I am then broken out of my thought by the banshee yelling,"Oh, him? he's just a dead-last loser! Don't even pay attention to him! You shouldn't be wasting time on him! This is Sasuke Uchiha he is the one you should be focused on!" I turned my head towards sakura and released a little blood lust and killer-intent. She instantly dropped to one knee, while breathing heavily, hand clutching her chest. "Whose dead-last, you banshee? You mortal should fear me for you troublesome and useless ninjas don't know how to look underneath the underneath, nor do you begin to know or understand one thing about me, so zip it before I make it so you cant talk anymore." Her eyes widen slightly, then she smirks,"There's no need to show off, always trying to be better then Sasuke! just drop the act naruto!" I smile a little and softly say "kai,"a small poof goes off and I am finally in my original form. I looked back over to Gaara and said," I am Naru Genryusai Shigekuni, adopted sister of Yamamoto Genryusai Shegekuni, container of mister number nine, and also captain of the 9th divison." I say with a close eyed smile, he looks at me with curiosity," mister number nine?"I look at him with an even bigger  smile on my face and say quietly," well, mister number one wouldn't you like to know!" His eyes narrow as I say that,"That is an SS-rank secret, we will speak more about this later. Lets go Temari and Kankuro." They all start walking away," Can't wait to face you in the exams! Let the surprises begin." 

As soon as I  finish saying that I feel a new chakra near, I turn around to see a shocked looking Kakashi,"Ummmm.., Hi sensei! Well thanks for the exam paper, gotta blast!" I say as I flash-step to snatch the paper and finally away from them. As I finally get away to the Hokage tower  I knock on the door to the old man's office, and walked in before he could say anything. He looks up from his stacks of paper and slightly bows his head,"I see that you have gotten rid of that annoying mask, Naru-sama." I look at him,"No need for the bowing old man or the formality." Laughing I say, "What you don't like all the extra paperwork I gave you? Booooo." 

A smile broke across my face as I walk around his desk, next to him, I lean against it, back towards the door, "I just came here to tell you I am finishing this mission as myself." He looks at me a slight smile on his face," I'm the old one? I'm not 800 years old, and why are you still acting like I'm your higher up?" I move over to the window, then sit on the ledge,"I'm actually 812 years old, gosh you've know me for 12 years and you would think you'd get my age right by now. And I have decided to finish as myself because being so called dead-last isn't any fun anymore, I enjoy not having attention from the other children and the council, but it's annoying and the villagers are lucky that i haven't killed anyone of them yet." I say in a calm tone.

"I also took interest of Gaara of the Sand, as did Kurama, he was jumping at the bit to try to get me to talk to him. He was starting to give me a head-ache from how much he yelling and moving around in the seal." The old man, stared at me and smirked," Awe does Naru-sama have a crushhhhhhh?" I look at the man in shock," As if, love isn't something I feel unless its for my family, I refuse to have a repeat of last time, I refuse to be stabbed in the back again, literally." 

He looked at me in shock and then spoke gently," He just might be different, you never know, also if anything were to happen to you I have no doubt in my mind that all the others including Yamamoto and the rest of the seireitei wouldn't have any issues dealing with him." I smiled softly remembering my family, gosh it's been so long since I last say all of them, the hell's butterflies are nice since I can talk to them but I want to see them. I miss them so much, I start to tear up at the thought of them,"Oh, Naru come here." I look at the old man and happily take the comfort he has offered me. I hug him as I cry. This is nice, I needed this. I can't wait for the exams, I can't wait to go back home, I can't wait to see what this new chapter opens up for me. 

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