chapter 4: chunin exams (entrance part 2) part 2

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(A/N: short little chapter! next one should be up very soon!!)

Naru pov:

"Aren't you going to wait for a reply Naru-chan? Why did you address the Hokage like that? And why did he call you -sama?" I smile as I keep walking, "His face was enough, I've known the old man for awhile now, and I have earned his respect, I'll tell you more later if you want." He nods and we continue walking, we enter the room and once again all eyes are on us.

I smell the air for a second and look around for it, "snake." I say with a snarl. I start to walk towards it, with Gaara's hand still in mine. Fuck these guys are stupid, god damn konoha kids. I get closer and say, "Back away from them you damned snake worshiper." The Konoha kids and the snake asshole look up at me, "Kabuto, give me info on Naru Genryusai Shigekuni, or Naruto Uzumaki." Sasuke that asshole asks. As soon as the snake worshiper pulled out the card, "Modified Hadou number 4: heavy- strike pale lightening." A bolt of red lightening comes out of my finger, hits the card, which instantly turns into ashes. The konoha 11 all looked at me if i was crazy, "Now shoo you nasty fucking snake worshiper, before I make it where you can't go back to your master." I say with a snarl showing my fangs.

Sakura starts yelling at me, "Don't be rude! He was trying to help us!" I looked at her, stared, and said, "really now? He wanted to help you? Awe how cute, you really think that's how that works here in the ninja world, or the world in general, nothing in the world gets handed to you, bitch. You can't trust anyone. Your loyalty isn't for anyone. You are simply a tool. Once your worth is out you are thrown to the side. Your loyalty is with your village. No matter who or what you have to kill to show that loyalty, even if it means slaughtering your whole clan, just for your village. Even if it means giving up your life. Even if it means that you have to make your child a human sacrifice. Even if it means betraying the ones you love. If you can't take that, then leave. You shouldn't be here, you are just a talent less, useless, self-centered fangirl who is sheltered from the world. You don't know one thing about being a damn ninja. So drop it you bitch." 

I look up to see everyone looking at me, I sigh, " Wasn't that a bit mean captain Naru-sama? They are just children who have no experience in life. Now stop being a bully or I'll tell Captain Yamamoto, and you know how he feels about you being mean to kids." I look up only to be hugged by Yachiru Kusajishi, I smiled and said, "They needed to learn sometime Lieutenant Kusa-chan. How's everyone doing? I thought my lieutenant was supposed to be here! Where is he? Did he bring her too?!" She smile was huge and slowly climbed onto me onto my back, "Yes Naru-sama, they are here already, probably having fun, it's been like 12 years since they were in human bodies." I turn my head towards her, "Seriously? EW don't tell me that nasty shit!" She smacked me upside the head, "What the hell?" She does it again, "No cussing! If Ken-chan can't then you can't!" I sigh and pull her off my shoulders, "okay, okay. Now shoo, I'll see you during the 3rd part of the exams, the old man is coming." Just as I say that the old man walks out these two really big doors.

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