Chapter 7: Don't you know that it's dangerous to attack a fox in its den?

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I lay awake staring at the ceiling alone, Kyuu going back into my mindscape quite awhile ago, I seem to do that a lot more than what I used too, I wonder how everyone is doing. I know I just checked up on the other captains, but it feels like it has been forever since I've seen them and actually hugged them. Sitting here alone, thinking, wondering, it never does me any good, I know that, but I just can't stop. I feel my wrist heating up, Gaara, I wistfully think of having to leave him, going back home after everything, going back to the Seireitei. My home, but I just really don't know if I could stand to leave him. I suddenly feel a warp opening near me. I jump up and look at the training grounds around me, and finally I spot him. Yama-nii, standing there in all his glory, well as much glory as you can get when you're only 5 foot 6. I quickly run over to the gate and stand in front of it, smiling so wide. "Hello my child." his voice so soothing, oh how I've longed to see him and talk to him at the same time. "Hehe, it's been what, 12 years and that's all you have to say to your favorite captain?" My smile so wide, and just widening as I talk. Yama-nii looks at me and just chuckles, "That's true, it has been ages, and to think I've missed so many of your birthdays. I remember it like it was-" quickly cutting Yama-nii off not really for one of his long stories, "You really are old! Haha, but anyway, getting serious now. You have never, ever done a gate call. What is the issue? You wouldn't do this if it wasn't important." Yama-nii just sighed. "you have always been too smart for your own good, haven't you?" My eyes narrow at him, waiting for him to continue, "You going to continue?" I'm slowly getting impatient, he never stalls like this unless it is a big issue. "Aizen is looking for you." My breathing stopped. Everything around me froze, literally, the ground around me was freezing. Killer intent leaking, no nit leaking, pouring out. Teeth clenched slowly I say, "How long? and when is he striking?" I heard Yama-nii suck in a breath, "The third round of the exams, captain, will you be needing back up?" I just stare at him, "How long have you known?" Yama-nii sighs once again, "A few days at most." I stare at him, my eyes are so narrow at this point, if looks could kill he would be six feet under. "Are 'they' here? I'll start preparing right away. Knowing that man he isn't just going to do a small attack. It will be a large scale attack and I will have to reveal myself." I start to rub my temples already getting a headache just thinking about the planning I have to do now. "Yes, 'they' are. Be prepared, but remember what happens if you do reveal yourself? You have been warned and you know that." I look at Yama-nii, tears building up in my eyes, I drop to one knee, "Yes, I understand the consequences." Don't you know that it's dangerous to attack a fox in its den? 

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