chapter 9: Chunin exams (preliminaries) part 5

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The next few days had been awkward for Naru, she had completely opened herself up to Gaara. She liked him, a lot, but could she really felt as though she had destroyed what little bond they had. The only thing that has been keeping her going was the sand bracelet still on her. Currently she had bigger fish to fry, her feelings could be set aside for a moment. Everyone had shown up for the preliminaries, everyone excited to fight, excited to win. Naru was standing next to the Hokage, confusing the people who noticed her. But what really caught peoples eyes were the two people behind the Hokage, two anbu, one with long red hair the other with short blonde hair. Two very familiar hair tones and styles, the styles and colors being so close to Naru's throw quite a few of people into a fit, realization on their faces of who Naru reminded them of, not just one person, but the two people that she reminded them of. The crowd cheering for the first 6 matches. They were all amazing and the civilians were even more ecstatic, they are getting to experience fights, their precious Sasuke Uchiha has made it to the finals, and they would finally get to watch the so called demon get beat by their peers. "Kiba Inzuzuka vs. Naru Genryusai Shigekuni!" was what the Hokage had announced, turning to look back at Naru he smiles and says, "Don't hurt him too badly." The two anbu next to him chuckled and Naru just smirks all while Kiba is screaming, "This will be the easiest yet! We will beat the dead last right Akumaru?" Kiba jumps into the area, very ungracefully, and shouts at Naru, "What chickening out already? Can't hide behind the Hokage forever loser!" and not even a second after kiba had closed his mouth to yell more insults, Naru had appeared in front of him, smiling, he jumps back and falls on his butt from the sudden appearance. "I'm ready if you are." Naru said no more to him as she starts walking to the opposite side of the arena. Without even waiting for the signal to go, and Naru's back still turned Kiba runs straight for her. "NARU!"  was heard through out the arena. Yelled by none other than Gaara himself, Shocking not just himself, but his siblings, yelling a warning for the girl who made quite the impact on him. Dust is thrown up from the impact, Gaara is ready to jump over the railing to go protect Naru, he instantly calms down when he feels a warm sensation run through his body, a calming feeling. The dust clears up, everyone shocked, Naru sitting on Kiba's back just petting  Akumaru like it is the most normal thing ever. "Winner NARUUU!" No one cheering for Naru, all left in complete shock over what they had just witnessed. All the civilians who had quite the distaste for Naru were seething, certain shinobi wanting to know where she had gotten that power, some wondering if she cheated, while 3 certain people were proud and smirking at the faces of everyone, and Gaara was just shocked, and actually quite excited (not like that you pervs) from just watching Naru defeat someone like that and so quickly. Suddenly Lord Third had stood up and started clapping for Naru, she made her way off to the sidelines with a big ass smirk on her face, "Cheater!" was shouted, by none other than Naru's pink haired team mate. Naru looked at her glared, and flashed stepped to right in front of her, right up in her face. Just smiling, she turned around and looked at Kakashi, "I'm going to stand by Gaara seeing that I'm not even welcome by my own team." she shot Sasuke a look, seeing as he was giving her a death glare, which she shut down with an even more terrifying death glare. She quickly teleported over to Gaara and just stood next to him, lightly brushing against him every so often. The fights all slowly finishing up, as the fight between Hinata and Neji had started to come to a finish, Naru slowly had detached from Gaara and quickly jumped down from the ledge, and just as Neji went to throw the killing move on Hinata she kicked Neji across the arena into the wall. Now standing over Hinata she leans down and starts to heal her, Hinata tries to get up, only to be flicked in the forehead by Naru. "Just stay down, you put up a good fight, now rest." and with that Hinata had passes out and Naru had lifted her up carrying her to her sensei, "I healed her, watch her till she wakes up." The looks that she had gotten from everyone, once again were pure shock. Dead last knew how to heal? One of the hardest things to do with chakra. Naru sighed, once again teleporting to Gaara's side, this time she attached to his arm, putting her head on his shoulder. "It's time for my match Naru-chan." She looked at him and than down in the arena to see his opponent, Lee. "Don't kill him, I'll tell you more of my story as a reward for your win and not injuring him too bad." He kind of just gave her a look, than sighed, "I would like to know everything about you and my past life when I win." She nods and kisses his cheek lightly, he jumps down into the arena waiting for the okay to start. Naru watches intently as Gaara quickly immobilizes Lee by summoning a lot of sand, "Call the match." Gaara had calmly stated, and than moments later Lee had broken out of the sand prison surprising Gaara.  "I really need to end this quick. So just stay down." Throwing what was left of his sand at Lee and hardening it to fully immobilize him. "Thanks." The match was called and Gaara had won, "I would appreciate a rematch once I'm stronger! You're very youthful, my friend!" Gaara just looked at Lee like he had completely lost it, "Did I hit you in the head at all?" At this point Naru had busted out laughing at the encounter between the two. Finding it not just hilarious but entertaining too.  

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