Next Event!

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Hello guys! I'm here to confirm the COC'S next event, rules and date.

The event will begin Monday 26th June and will last for two weeks, ending on the 10th July.

The event itself is pretty.
It's an open-fandom event kind of event, meaning you can do any fandom you want (although try to avoid spoilers if possible as some people may be into that fandom themself and not up to that point. Or you can even just put up warnings, stating the fact there are spoilers).

I'm gonna release the sort of theme-thing now, but try not to start until Monday. XD

Essentially, you can do anything. You can write a drabble, draw a picture, even take a picture, and such for this. You may even write a short story if you think you can handle it.

You can base it off your favourite characters or famdom. You can tell us what you love about that character, however, simply ranting will not do the trick. It has to have some form of plot or actual style to it and can't just be senseless babbling and rants (no offense).

To submit your work, tag us  (TheCircleOfCrazy) so we can look at it. Please keep in mind that your work will be posted in this event book for everyone to see so they don't have to go individually around everyone's profile. That being said, credit will be given and you will be tagged accordingly.

Rules -
1. You must create a new work for this event.
2. It cannot be too inappropriate  (*cough cough* Eve I'm warning you mostly especially after the "bedtime story" *cough cough*). Within reason please guys.
3. You can submit more than one work, but please don't go overboard and create like 20.

1. We may extend or decrease the date if necessary, just give us a PM.
2. Extremely inappropriate work will be banned and not accepted.

Authors who are willing to update:


These are the author's we have so far and of course, we're more than willing to accept more. We're currently looking to find more authors (which I will be looking into).
So if any of you are willing to ti be an author, just PM us!
Also, you are allowed to be both an author and participant.

Lastly, I will be posting what author is willing to do what when the actual event starts.

First Place: You are allowed to either choose two different authors to update, or you may even be able to request two updates from one author - although some authors may not be willing, so please keep this in mind.

Second place: You get to choose one author to update.

Third place: You also get to choose one author to update.

I think that's it for now, but don't worry, I'll be posting any more final details once the event starts. If you have any questions, feel free to comment or PM us!

- Lilly. ~

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