Aw. It's coming to an end.

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Well guys! The COC Event is coming to an end. It sucks, but it's been a great two weeks.
You have the next 12 hours to submit any last second work or vote.

Voting system -
People who submitted work - your vote is worth two points.
Authors who are helping out - your vote is worth two points.
If you are both of the above - your work is worth three points.
People who are just watching - your vote is worth one.

It was mentioned early but I'm just clarifying it. OwO
Anyways. Just tell me who you want to vote for.
I am posting this at 12pm at my time and the event will be over at 12am for me.
This should be 6pm or 7pm for you guys. Uh, maybe 5pm for Ari... around 5-7 basically. XD
But either way, it'll be 12 hours since this is published.

Tell me who you guys vote for.
Also, if I miss any entries, please PM me so we can get it uploaded before the event ends.

See you all within the next 12 hours!

- Lilly.
P.S - I'm gonna try so hard to update this on the dot. I'm a c c u r a t e.

No you're n o t

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