Important Note

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So, I was thinking of the way we'll decide the winners? We wasn't 100% sure on how we would do it as we didn't know how many people would be interested. But I'm currently thinking of votes?

People who partipictaed - Your vote is worth 2 points.

Authors who are helping out - Your vote is worth 2 points

If you are both, then your vote can be worth like, 3 points? (I dunno)

And people who are just interested in seeing how the event, not submitting or an author, your vote can be worth one point.

I'm not too sure about this system since it seems a little too unfair, but tell me what you guys think. OwO

Also! If your work is not submitted to the event book within 24 hours, give us a PM as we may have missed it, forgotten about it or were just being plain lazy. If the latter is the case, tell me to stop being fucking lazy and start already. :")

- Lilly

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