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I wake up the day after the bad news and the Doctors want me to stay one more night to make sure i won't bleed out and die. I see Hotch and the team come in my room to visit and see how i am doing and i have to tell Hotch and the team that i can't have kids. They walk in and i start to get scared. I had to fight the tears and it was hard to deal with. so i worked up the courage to tell them what i am going through. So i told them and Garcia started to cry and the team was just in shock. Hotch looked at me and i knew he hated me. I started to cry and he just put his arms around me and held me close. Then i asked him if he hated me and he looked at me with his perfect brown eyes and said no babe i will never hate you,just because you can't have a baby doesn't mean i don't love you okay. I look up at him and he gives me a kiss and the team let's out a cute aww.

4 weeks later.......

I walk into the BAU and i see the team run to meet me at the glass doors and i get showered with hugs from everyone but Morgan. i see him come to give me a hug but i push him away and said don't you ever come near me again Derek Morgan or so help me god i will kill on the spot . He looks at me and says Emily i'm so sorry and i wish you could see that i had to do it to save my own ass. i got really mad and said with tears about to pour out of my brown eyes and said Morgan you are the most selfish person i have ever met in my life and i don't think it will get you very far right now. i walked off when Garcia said we had a case. we got to the round table room and when i sat down in my chair i felt right back at home. as Hotch was telling us about the case when i looked down at my phone for one second i heard a huge bang. i looked up and say Hotch on the floor out cold. I jumped out of my chair and ran to his side. I looked at Reid and yelled CALL 911 REID WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE GET HELP. he ran out and grabbed his phone and called the medics and they told him that they would be there in 5 minutes. I started to cry and i kept telling Hotch to stay with me and not to leave me all alone. I felt my heart sink as Rossi told me i couldn't go with Hotch. Rossi had to drag me away from Hotch and when they took him away Penelope took me and tried to calm me down and i cried for hours because i never thought that right after Hotch almost losing me and then 4 weeks later the world is finally getting back at me.

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