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4 weeks later
Today was the day, she was going to do it,They were going to do it together. Emily Prentiss was sitting on the couch, waiting for her team to arrive. "Hey baby" Aaron says staring at his beautiful girlfriend. She didn't hear him, it was like she was in a different world. After the twins died,she had these times where she would just zone out and when she got out of it,she would have tears streaming down her face. "Baby" Aaron said a little louder to get her back to the real world. She jumped a little and turned to Aaron. "Are you sure you're ready" he softly asks her. "Yes I can" she answered without trying to cry. Soon after, the door bell rang and Emily jumped up to get the door. There stood the team, it took Emily no time to sob and for the girls to jump in and hold her. "No, I'm not allowed to cry right now" Emily whispers as she pulls away from the girls. "Are we ready to do this" Aaron asks Emily one more time before everything happens. "Yes I am" she says taking his hand and walking to the twins room as the team followed them. "This is it Aaron,the last stage of greef" Emily says as she reaches for the door handle.

The door opened and revealed a baby blue room with baby things everywhere .The team looked all around them and smiled. The girls started on the baby clothes and put them in boxes. Emily walked to Victoria's crib and she felt the air leave her lungs. She picked up a bear that had her date of birth, time and how much she weighed. She looked at it and ran out of the room. Aaron looked up and went to Matthew's crib and picked up his bear as well and ran after Emily.

He found her on the couch,crying her eyes out. Aaron softly took a seat beside her. "Why" Emily asked. "What" Aaron asked. "Why do we always get crushed by the world" she asks as she holds the bear tighter. " I don't know baby, but you know what we are going to be okay" Aaron says. Emily looked at Aaron and gave him a sad smile as he grabbed her small form and held her close to his body and kissed her head. Just then, JJ walked in and gave Emily a sad smile. "Hey Em are you ok,wait that's a stupid question" JJ says. Emily gave her a sad smile. "I wanted to give you something" she said giving her the gift. "It's from me and spence" she says as she opened it. Emily paused as soon as she saw it, she started sobbing in Aaron's arms. A framed Photograph of the team, Emily, Aaron, Matthew and Victoria all a family. Aaron was also crying. "Thank you JJ, it's beautiful" Emily whispers . She smiled and hugged them both. Reid bursts out of the room seconds later. "Aaron,did the doctors give you needles for the kid ever" he asks. Emily looks at Aaron, "no why" he says slowly. "Oh dear god" Emily whispers to herself as she runs to the room. On the ground behind each crib,was a needle with dried blood on them. "Oh my god" Emily softly sobs. "What's wrong Emily" Arron asks her as he runs in. "The twins" Emily said as she sat down in the rocking chair. "Yeah baby what about them" Aaron asks.
The words she said next made the team want to pass out.

"The twins were murdered"

Hehehehe omg this is the end of the story but I am definitely making a sequel to this story
Thank you for reading this.

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