Little hotchner

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3 months later
Aaron's pov
Emily is sitting on the bed telling me baby names for our son who is due any day now. How about Jason she asks me. I look at her and said no, what about Jackson. She slowly turns her head and says are you trying to make me name our son after my father Aaron. I laugh and she knew i was joking. Then a thought came to me....babe what about........... Matthew. She pops her head up and said i love it Aaron. She gets up and kisses me and says you're the best baby this little boy is so lucky to have you as his daddy Aaron you know that right. I look at her and she went to help me with the crib but suddenly i hear her scream and i drop everything.

Emily's pov
I was looking at names for My son as my poor boyfriend was getting our son's crib together. I go up to him and i wrap my arms around his waist and i tell him to go to bed because i am going to be heading there now. He stops me and asks me to help him with the crib for a second. So i am holding a piece of the crib when i got a huge pain which caused me to drop the part and scaring the shit out of Aaron. But he saw me hunched over in pain and i told him what was happening....... I smiled and said...... Aaron get the baby Matthew is coming.... And before you ask how i know is water broke.

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